Workshop “Cooperative enterprises facing the new socio-economic environment”
Seminari e convegni
- Workshop “Cooperative enterprises facing the new socio-economic environment”
- 2022-06-23T09:30:00+02:00
- 2022-06-23T17:00:00+02:00
- Cosa dipartimento di economia e management sostenibilità greenmetric2022 dottorati di ricerca
- Quando il 23/06/2022 dalle 09:30 alle 17:00 Aggiungi l'evento al calendario Aggiungi l'evento a Google Calendar
- Dove Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Economia e Management - via Voltapaletto n. 11 - Ferrara
Workshop “Cooperative enterprises facing the new socio-economic environment”, organizzato da Massimiliano Mazzanti, Direttore del Dipartimento di Economia e Management dell’Università di Ferrara, Asia Guerreschi, Dottoranda del Corso “Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing” di Unife, Ermanno Tortia e Marco Lomuscio dell’Università di Trento.
L'iniziativa si svolgerà in lingua inglese.
The recent economic and financial crisis, along with climate change and the pandemic, have drastically altered the socio-economic context, requiring proactive responses from various organizational types and economic actors. Cooperative enterprises face the crisis in a context of increased competition and stricter regulation. The new context calls for new analyses and new tools that go beyond what has traditionally been used in the study of nonconventional enterprises. Among the main challenges on the table are the preservation of jobs in struggling businesses in many activities that are under pressure, the need to employ new production processes to address climate change, and the use of new technologies among which digitization plays a central role in the transition to a green economy. Cooperatives have demonstrated flexibility and resilience of their organizational model during the crisis through the involvement of diverse stakeholders and proactive adaptation to new conditions. However, challenges still loom, and proactive measures and appropriate organizational responses are needed. Moreover, the evolution of the organizational model itself (its governance and management) cannot be left out of the picture. Young researchers and doctoral students studying cooperative enterprises are at the forefront of this difficult scientific and policy task. This workshop aims to involve them first in a new scientific endeavor.
Come partecipare
L'evento si svolgerà in presenza nell'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Economia e Management dell'Università di Ferrara (via Voltapaletto, 11) e sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming al seguente link.
Studentesse e studenti dei dottorati di ricerca, ricercatrici e ricercatori che desiderano presentare i loro lavori nel corso dell’evento, possono contattare Massimiliano Mazzanti ( e Asia Guerreschi (