Methods of payment

Tax and university fees must be paid via the pagoPA system. 

pagoPA is an electronic payment system created by AGID (Digital Italy Agency) to simplify payments made to Public Administration authorities.

How to pay

Via pagoPA you can pay:

  • Online by
    • Credit card
    • Bank transfer
    • Home banking platforms
  • In person at the bank, the tobacconist’s and in many other authorised centres.

If your online credit card payment has been blocked, wait 1 hour and try again.

You do not have a credit card but want to pay online?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Log into your reserved area
  2. Go to the payments section
  3. Look for the pending invoice 
  4. Open pagoPA via pdf
  5. Use the codes shown on your bank’s website to carry out pagoPA/C BILL payments

Useful links

Further information on PagoPA can be found on the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (Digital Italy Agency)


Fee Simulator (GIà TRADOTTO)

Enrolment fees

Part-time course enrolment fees

90-university credit enrolment fees

Single-subject enrolment fees 

Tax relating to previous academic years

Enrolment fees

All students pay at least 156 Euros (16 Euro stamp duty + regional tax)
Please note: ISEE = Indicator of Economic Situation

1st year students (considering only the ISEE)


1 Basic

University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)

0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)

1,758 Euros

2nd year students (ISEE, university credits achieved and year of enrolment)


University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

1 Basic

>= 10

< 24

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)

0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)

1,758 Euros

1 Plus

>= 24

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)

0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)

1,480 Euros

Students enrolled in successive years (ISEE, university credits achieved and year of enrolment)



University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


>= 25

< 40

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)

0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)

1,758 Euros

1 Plus

>= 40

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)

0,04 x (ISEE – 13,000)

1,480 Euros

Students enrolled in 1st year beyond prescribed time (ISEE and university credits achieved)



University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

>= 25

200 Euros

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 25%

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

[0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 25%

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

1,959 Euros

Insufficient university credits 



ISEE from 0 a 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

600 Euros

[0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50% + 200 Euros

The 50% increase must not exceed 400 Euros

[0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50% + 200 Euros

The 50% increase must not exceed 400 Euros

2,357 Euros

Part-time course enrolment fees

All students pay at least 156 Euros (16 Euro stamp duty + regional tax)
Please note: ISEE = Indicator of Economic Situation

Fees are half the standard cost.

1st year students (considering only the ISEE)



University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)÷ 2

0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)÷ 2

879 Euros

2nd year students (ISEE, university credits achieved and year of enrolment)


University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


>= 5

Total exemption

0,035 x (ISEE - 13000) ÷ 2


(ISEE - 13000) ÷ 2

879 Euros

Students enrolled in 1st year beyond prescribed time (ISEE and university credits achieved)


University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


>= 12

Total exemption

0.035 x  (ISEE – 13,000) ÷ 2

0.0475 x  (ISEE – 13,000) ÷ 2

879 Euros

Students enrolled in successive years (ISEE and university credits achieved)



University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from  24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

>= 12

100 Euros

([0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 25%) ÷ 2

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

([0.0475 x (ISEE - 13000)] + 25%) ÷ 2

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

979 Euros

Insufficient university credits



ISEE from 0 a 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

300 Euros

035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50% + 200 Euros) ÷ 2

The 50% increase

must not exceed 400 Euros

([0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50% + 200 Euros) ÷ 2

The 50% increase

must not exceed 400 Euros

1,179 Euros


90-university credit enrolment fees 

All students pay at least 156 Euros (16-Euro stamp duty + regional tax.) Fees are increased by half the standard cost.
Please note: ISEE = Indicator of Economic Situation

1st year students (considering only the ISEE (Equivalent Financial Situation Index)

Student 1

University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000) x 1.5

0.0475 x (ISEE - 13000) x 1.5

2,637 Euros

2nd year students (ISEE, university credits achieved and year of enrolment)


University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


>= 15

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000) x 1.5

0.0475 x (ISEE - 13000) x 1.5

2,637 Euros

Enrolment after the 2nd year ISEE, university credits achieved and year of enrolment


University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros


>= 37

Total exemption

0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000) x 1.5

0.0475 x (ISEE - 13000) x 1.5

2,637 Euros

Students enrolled in 1st year beyond prescribed time (ISEE and university credits achieved)

Student 2

University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

ISEE exceeding 50,000 Euros

>= 37

300 Euros

([0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 25%) x 1.5

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

([0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 25%) x 1.5

The 25% increase must not exceed 200 Euros

2,938 euro

Insufficient university credits

Student 3

University Credits

ISEE from 0 to 23,000 Euros

ISEE from 23,000.01 to 24,000 Euros

ISEE from 24,000.01 to 50,000 Euros

900 Euros

([0.035 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50%) + 200 Euros) x 1.5

The 50% increase must not exceed 400 Euros

([0.0475 x (ISEE – 13,000)] + 50%) + 200 Euros) x 1.5

The 50% increase must not exceed 400 Euros

3,535 Euros

Single-subject enrolment fees

Up to 30 university credits

Fees: 556 Euros

The cost consists of:

  • 16 Euros (stamp duty)
  • 12 Euros (insurance)
  • 528 Euros (enrolment fees)

From 31 to 60 university credits

Fees: 931 Euros.

The cost consists of:

  • 16 Euros (stamp duty)
  • 12 Euros (insurance)
  • 903 Euros (enrolment fees)