Fees and Payment Methods


These pages provide information concerning fees, exemptions and how to benefit from the tuition fee concessions available. 


ISEE Certification

Exemptions and concessions

Post-graduate tuition fees




Tuition fees vary depending on whether a student has either an ISEE certification (Indicator of Economic Situation) or a source of income abroad


Select one of the following two options to calculate your fees. 

    1. I have an ISEE certificate or a source of income abroad 


  • I have an ISEE certificate or a source of income abroad

The instalments

Fees are payable in three instalments.

The first instalment is comprised of:

  • 16 Euros (stamp duty)
  • 140 Euros (regional tax)
  • 1/3 of the actual fees due

The second and third instalments amount to 1/3 of the total fees due each.  

The amount of fees

The amount of the fees to pay is determined according to: 

  • Credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020 
  • Year of attendance
  • ISEE certification if calculated, or proof of source of income abroad 

Such amount may be reduced based on the ISEE certification or the proof of source of income abroad. 

ISEE certification or source of income abroad

Tuition fees: how it works

The student’s family’s financial situation may determine the amount of the tuition fees, based on the ISEE certification (Law No. 232 dated 11th Dec. 2016). 

In many Italian universities a student will come under the no-tax area if his/ her ISEE is less than or equal to 13,000 Euros. 

Students in the no-tax area shall only pay 156 Euros (stamp duty and regional tax). 


Unife takes a step further 

In our university, the no-tax area includes income bands of up to 23,000 Euros.

For the first year of attendance, the financial situation as certified by the ISEE is the only requirement needed to be included in the no-tax area.  

After the first year, requirements for the no-tax area include both income and merit

Students whose ISEE ranges between 23,000 and 50,000 Euros shall still pay a reduced fee. 


A student having a source of  income abroad may be entitled to pay the same tuition fees as a student in possession of  the required ISEE certification. 

Follow the instructions!

ISEE step-by-step 

  1. Contact a CAF (Tax Assistance Centre) or an INPS office that issues the ISEE certification.
  2. Request an ISEE certificate for the year 2020.
  3. Make sure that the ISEE certificate is valid for benefits concerning the right to university education, with no omissions and/or discrepancies.
  4. Obtain the ISEE certificate before you pay the first instalment or no later than 31st October 2020. 
  5. Let Unife retrieve your ISEE certificate online no later than 31st October 2020. 

Remember that ISEE certificates are not issued immediately. It normally takes about two weeks to obtain one.  

If the certificate is submitted after the deadline, but no later than 15th December 2020, a student can still be entitled to lower fees, paying a surcharge amounting to 400 Euros. 


  1. I do not have an ISEE certification

I do not have an ISEE certification

The instalments

Fees are payable in three instalments.

The first instalment is comprised of:

  • 16 Euros (stamp duty)
  • 140 Euros (regional tax)
  • 400 Euros (surcharge) 

The second and third instalments amount each to the remaining part of the fees due.  

The amount of the fees

The amount of the fees to pay is determined according to: 

  • credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020 
  • year of attendance


Calculate your fees for 2020/2021

The amount of the tuition fees varies depending on: 

  1. Value of the ISEE issued in 2020, valid for social benefits for the right to university education, without omissions or discrepancies. 
  2. Merit-based criteria:

student 1) second year: a minimum of 10 credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020, 
student 1) from the third year onwards: a minimum of 25 credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020.
student 1 Plus) second year: a minimum of 24 credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020,
student 1 Plus) from the third year onwards: a minimum of 40 credits achieved between 10th August 2019 and 10th August 2020.

  1. Year of attendance: no more than one year beyond the regular conclusion of the course.

The year of attendance is calculated counting from the first year spent at this University. 

Requirements 2 and 3 only apply to students enrolled in years following the first, and do not apply to students enrolling in the first year or transferring from another university. 

If requirement 2 fails to be met, the year of attendance (requirement 3) is not taken into consideration. 

Credits achieved through recognition, partial exams or modules shall not be considered. 

Select your answer!

1. Do you wish to avail yourself of the benefits deriving from the value of an ISEE 2020 certification for the right to university education? 


Yes   No

Are you enrolling in the first year of a course*?

* Select Yes also if you are applying to transfer to a course at Unife.

Yes    No

2. Do you meet the merit-based requirements?

Yes    Plus    No



For further information about fees and concessions, go to the dedicated web page.

When to pay


What if you haven’t paid in time?


Useful documents



  Free access courses

Years following the first - all courses 

Limited access courses  

(only 1st year)

Master’s Degree Courses (+2)

(only 1st year)




See individual calls for applications for admission












*Dates are in the format DD/MM/YYYY

Unife sends a reminder regarding deadlines to the student’s University e-mail address as well as posting a notice in the student’s Reserved area. It is the student’s responsibility to pay each instalment in due time, even in the case in which he/ she has neither received the e-mail nor seen the notice. 

It is possible to enrol in free access courses no later than 15th December 2020 by paying a surcharge. 

What if you haven’t paid in time?

If you pay one or more instalments after the set deadline, you will have to pay a surcharge:  

  • up to 7 days after the deadline: 10 Euros
  • between  8 and 15 days after the deadline: 30 Euros
  • more than 15 days after the deadline: 60 Euros


The surcharge is charged automatically after the enrolment instalment has been paid. The surcharge is calculated and charged based on the accounting date on which the payment has been made (for more information, please contact your bank). Sundays and other public holidays are also included in the calculation of the delay. 

If a student is not up to date with the payment of instalments and surcharges, he/ she shall not be allowed to register for exams