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RETHINKING MONEY, REBUILDING COMMUNITIES A Multidimensional Analysis of Crypto and Complementary Currencies, di Marco Fama (University of Calabria), Stefano Lucarelli (University of Bergamo), Ricardo Orzi (National University of Luján)

ABSTRACT: In the current scenario of global crisis, our official monetary system’s inadequacy to provide solutions to the numerous serious problems affecting our society has become increasingly evident. This has led to the emergence of an astonishing number of projects that aim to rethink money. In order to make sense of these projects, it is necessary to explore the deepest meanings of money, as a multidimen- sional institution whose concrete nature and functioning are still object of a whole set of unsolved dis- putes. Under these premises, this article proposes an interdisciplinary reading of crypto and complemen- tary currencies. The goal is twofold: on the one hand, the authors aim to shed light on the conditions which have to be met for the establishment of a sustainable monetary innovation; on the other hand, the article constitutes an attempt to use ongoing experiences as a lens through which to gain new insights into the general phenomenon of money and as a laboratory for exploring the possibility to move towards new socio-economic paradigms. PACO, ISSN: 2035-6609 - Copyright © 2020 - University of Salento, SIBA:

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