Engineering PNG.png Engineering ATHENIS_3D - Automotive Tested High Voltage and Embedded Non-Volatile Integrated System on Chip platformemploying 3D Integration GOSSAMER - Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope COST Action TU1105 NVH - analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles ePolicy - Engineering the POlicy-making LIfe CYcle I-SUR - Intelligent Surgical Robotics COPERNICUS - Compact Otdm/wdm optical receivers based on photonic crystal Integrated circuits NaNoC - Nanoscale Silicon-Aware Network-on-Chip Design Platform COST Action TU0901- Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions ATHENIS - Automotive Tested High-voltage Embedded Non-volatile memory Integrated SoC
Engineering PNG.png Engineering ATHENIS_3D - Automotive Tested High Voltage and Embedded Non-Volatile Integrated System on Chip platformemploying 3D Integration GOSSAMER - Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope COST Action TU1105 NVH - analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles ePolicy - Engineering the POlicy-making LIfe CYcle I-SUR - Intelligent Surgical Robotics COPERNICUS - Compact Otdm/wdm optical receivers based on photonic crystal Integrated circuits NaNoC - Nanoscale Silicon-Aware Network-on-Chip Design Platform COST Action TU0901- Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions ATHENIS - Automotive Tested High-voltage Embedded Non-volatile memory Integrated SoC
ATHENIS_3D - Automotive Tested High Voltage and Embedded Non-Volatile Integrated System on Chip platformemploying 3D Integration
COST Action TU1105 NVH - analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles
COST Action TU0901- Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions