Suspension of the PhD Degree Course


The PhD degree course may be suspended for up to a maximum of one year (at the same time the scholarship (grant) is also suspended) in case of maternity leave or serious documented illness or, in case of gaining employment, following completion of the duly documented trial period. In such cases, the PhD student is admitted to the same course year for the following academic year. For periods of suspension of less than 6 months, the PhD student is given the opportunity to make up the missed period of attendance following the favourable judgement passed by the Board of Lecturers. In all cases of suspension, it is possible to pay the balance of the enrolment fees already paid for the same course year.

  • Maternity Leave:

The PhD may be "frozen" in the event of maternity/paternity leave. The suspension may last for varying periods of time, even less than a year. PhD students are entitled to a maternity allowance if they have received at least three months' contribution credits over the 12 months preceding the two months prior to the expected date of birth (see the INPS website and, in particular, the section dedicated to Maternity leave for semi-subordinate students/workers ).

Starting with the XXIX Cycle, in application of the new teaching regulations of the University and the Decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Security dated 12th July 2007 - the Maternity Protection Act, the PhD course is suspended, subject to the submission of a specific request, starting from the two months prior to the expected date of birth and for the following three months, or, starting from the month prior to the expected date of childbirth and for the following four months. Upon request, maternity leave may be extended for a total of one year per event. The PhD student retains the entitlement to the scholarship (grant), unless the said grant is interrupted and then recovered on resumption of attendance, it being understood that the years of scholarship (grant) must not exceed the duration of the course itself. During the months of suspension due to pregnancy, scholarship (grant) holders shall receive a maternity allowance from INPS (Italian National Social Security Institute); at the end of the period of suspension, the University shall resume payment of the scholarship (grant), which shall also be extended to the period that the PhD student shall have to make up for.

  • How to suspend a PhD degree course:

In order to suspend the PhD degree course, and consequently “freeze” the scholarship (grant), it is necessary to submit to the following document to the to Suspension of Studies. This is a communication signed by the PhD student - and countersigned by the Co-ordinator which must also be handed in to the aforementioned office on resumption of the PhD degree course.