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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

-To know some topics of Mathematics Education today.
-To know the specific problems of the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools.
-To know the secondary school mathematics programs and the latest proposals of new curricula.
-To know some of the best methods for teaching mathematics in secondary schools.

Skills acquired at the end of the course:
-Design some teaching math lessons for secondary school.
-Use consciously, indicating the potential and limitations, technologies (educational software) for the teaching of Mathematics.
-Propose critically and connect what they have learned.


Having taken courses in
-Mathematics Education
-Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
-History of Mathematics
-Complementary Mathematics

Course programme

The 42 hours are divided into 28 hours of lectures held by the teacher and 14 hours of seminars, where each student presents a paper in the form of teaching lessons for secondary school.

Part 1 - Introduction to some general themes of mathematics education
The mathematics education today.
Didactical contract
Cognitive conflicts. Misconceptions. Models. Obstacles.
Didactic transposition. Teaching situations
Mathematics, education and languages
Exercises and problems
Intuition, reasoning and proof.

Part 2 - Specific issues of mathematics education in secondary schools
Teaching of arithmetic and algebra
Teaching of geometry
Teaching calculus
Teaching of statistics and probability

Part 3 - Teaching Mathematics and New Technologies
The mathematics laboratory
Software for the teaching of mathematics:
-Cabri 3D

Part 4 - The mathematics curriculum for secondary school.
The new curriculum of Mathematics for secondary schools (2010).

Part 5 - Design and construction, with discussion in a seminar format, with some teaching units of Mathematics for secondary school (grade I and II).
Insights on the following topics:
Organisation of teaching and design of a teaching unit.
Tools: textbooks and other aids.
Use of technology in mathematics education.
Measurement and evaluation of learning in mathematics.

Didactic methods

-Tutorials-computer with educational software for the teaching of mathematics (e.g. GeoGebra)
-Preparation and guided discussion of papers

Learning assessment procedures

-Oral exam
-Discussion of two papers
-The rating is determined by adding the score (maximum 10 points) assigned to the first essay, the score assigned to the second essay (maximum 10 points) and the score dedicated to the examination interview (maximum 12 points).

Reference texts

-Study materials provided by the teacher.
-B. D'Amore, Didattica della Matematica, Pitagora, Bologna 2001.
-V. Villani, Cominciamo da zero. Domande, risposte e commenti per saperne di più sui perché della matematica (Aritmetica e Algebra), Pitagora, Bologna 2003.
-V. Villani, Cominciamo dal punto. Domande, risposte e commenti per saperne di più sui perché della matematica (Geometria), Pitagora, Bologna 2006.
-Magazines of mathematics education