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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Aim of the teaching is to both give basic science and theoretical /practical knowledge of physiological and pathological processes of human reproduction, pregnancy, parturition and puerperium.
To acquire knowledge of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of main gynecological problems.
To know the most common problems presenting in medically assisted procreation
obstetric and gynecological pathology in a gender-oriented perspective.

Knowledge and understanding:

At the end of the course the student will:
- know the main changes of the maternal body in pregnancy; theoretical knowledge of the stages of physiological delivery; the clinical presentation of obstetric emergencies.
- know the theoretical bases of contraception, the pathophysiology of menopause; the clinical framework of abnormal uterine bleeding and endopelvic masses ; the pathology of the pelvic floor. The preventive programs, the presentation early diagnosis and the clinic of the main gynecological malignancies.

Applying knowledge and understanding:

At the end of the course the student will have developed the ability to know: what investigations are planned for the monitoring of low-risk pregnancy and their interpretation; initiate appropriate interventions for the management of obstetric emergencies.
- know how to set up basic counseling for contraception, infertility and for menopause problems.
-know how to prescribe adherence to cancer prevention programs in gynecology. Set the beginning of the correct diagnostic procedure for the main gynecological pathologies.


Knowledge of all preclinical disciplines with particular reference to: endocrinology of the menstrual cycle, microbiology , pathological anatomy of gynecological malignancies. Internal medicine II and medical therapy.

Course programme

Obstetrical examination / Maternal Physiological changes in pregnancy. Fetal growth / placenta and membranes. Antenatal care. Labour, delivery, puerperium
Abortion /ectopic pregnancy
Obstetrical haemorrhage. Infectious diseases in pregnancy
Multifetal pregnancy
Medical problems in pregnancy. Preterm delivery / post-term pregnancy
Gynaecological examination
The menstrual cycle and its anomalies. Infertility, sterility and contraception.
Menopausal transition and postmenopause. Gender differences in emerging cardiovascular risk factors
Postmenopausal bone loss, osteoporosis, gender differences
Abnormal uterine bleeding. Benign gynaecological diseases: pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. Malignant gynaecological diseases
The pelvic floor and its anomalies
HPV and Related HPV infections: Gender Differences.

Didactic methods

Frontal lectures and practical activity.

Learning assessment procedures

The learning verification will be carried out by a written exam, lasting 30 to 60 minutes, without the use of notes or books or personal multimedia support, in the presence of the teachers. The test will be formulated with multiple-choice questions (5 multiple-choice) relating to all the educational goals.
No penalty for wrong answers or not given .
A minimum score of 18 out of 30 will be required to pass the exam. The maximum grade, equal to 30 cum laude, is obtained by those who, answering the questions correctly, will reach 95% of the maximum score; the minimum grade, equal to 18, is obtained by those who, answering the questions correctly, will reach 60% of the maximum score, taking into account the different weight attributed to the questions themselves.
The questions may have a different weight based on the complexity of the question and on the particular knowledge that is verified.
The final vote will be acquired at the end of the second semester and will be the result of the evaluation of the written exam and the final evaluation of practical training.

Reference texts

Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 9th Edition
Keith Edmonds (Editor-in-Chief), Christoph Lees (Co-Editor), Tom Bourne (Co-Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-119-21142-6 November 2018 Wiley-Blackwell
Alessandro Caruso, Manuale di ginecologia e ostetricia, CIC Ediz. Internazionali Roma,2011
Augusto G. Ferrari e Luigi G. Frigerio, Core Curriculum di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, McGraw Hill 2013
Teaching material provided by the teacher and uploaded on the online website of the course.