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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Aim of the teaching is to both give basic science and theoretical /practical knowledge of physiological and pathological processes of human reproduction, pregnancy, parturition and puerperium.
To acquire knowledge of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of main gynaecological problems.
To know the most common problems presenting in medically assisted procreation
Basic knowledge about the protection of female health in a gender perspective


Knowledge of pre-clinical disciplines.

Course programme

Obstetrical examination / Maternal Physiological changes in pregnancy. Fetal growth / placenta and membranes. Antenatal care. Labour, delivery, puerperium
Abortion /ectopic pregnancy
Obstetrical haemorrhage. Infectious diseases in pregnancy
Multifetal pregnancy
Medical problems in pregnancy. Preterm delivery / post-term pregnancy
Gynaecological examination
The menstrual cycle and its anomalies. Infertility, sterility and contraception.
Menopausal transition and postmenopause. Gender differences in emerging cardiovascular risk factors
Postmenopausal bone loss, gender differences
Abnormal uterine bleeding. Benign gynaecological diseases. Malignant gynaecological diseases
The pelvic floor and its anomalies
HPV and Related HPV infections: Gender Differences
Intestinal microbioma: physiopathology and gender, vaginal microbioma

Didactic methods

Lectures /practical activity

Learning assessment procedures

For all students in progress the following tests are scheduled:
- partial written tests (for those taking the exam from January to April)
- oral exam for the summer and autumn sessions
Written exam lasting 1 hour: 30 closed questions on the topics of the program in order to assess the knowledge of the program. The exam is considered to be successful with at least 60% of correct answers
The final vote will be acquired at the end of the second semester and will be the result of the evaluation of the written or oral tests and the performance of the training schedules
For examinations reserved for students out of course: oral exam lasting 15 minutes: typically, an average of 2-3 questions about the contents of the program.
For these students, to take the exam in Gynecology and Obstetrics, it will be necessary to have performed at least 12 hours of documented exercise, to be held at the Sect. of Gynecology of AOU Ferrara. Informations for registration are available at the secretariat St.Anna hospital, Cona, 1C1.

Reference texts

Dewhurst, Trattato di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, I edizione italiana 2012 EMSI Roma
Alessandro Caruso, Manuale di ginecologia e ostetricia, CIC Ediz. Internazionali Roma,2011
Augusto G. Ferrari e Luigi G. Frigerio, Core Curriculum di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, McGraw Hill 2013