Scadenza Tirocinio - UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venezia

Tipologia di bando Evento Placement
  • Laureati
  • Dottorandi
  • Studenti
Data di pubblicazione 28/08/2023
Scadenza termini partecipazione 31/12/2023
Chiusura procedimento 31/12/2023

Segnaliamo che l'UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture, sede di Venezia, è alla ricerca di tirocinanti da inserire nella propria unità scientifica. Le figure selezionate daranno supporto al programma e ai progetti riguardanti la gestione dell'acqua, la promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile, l'energia pulita, la protezione della biodiversità e collaboreranno con le riserve della biosfera e i geoparchi dell'Europa sudorientale.


Successful interns will support the programme’s activities and projects involving water management, promoting sustainable development, green energy, protecting biodiversity, and working with Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks in South-East Europe. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills, contribute to the work of the agency and collaborate with a team. Interns may:

  • Carry out and prepare summaries of research.
  • Contribute to the preparation of documents, including substantive and communication materials.
  • Collect, analyze and present data.
  • Assist in organizing and communicating about events.
  • Participate in meetings and workshops, with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Contribute to the technical work of the team/Unit/Sector.
  • Liaise with colleagues in other entities of the United Nations System.
  • Perform tasks that may be required in specific projects.


UNESCO’s internships are intended in presence full day from 9:00 to 17:30 with one hour lunch break and interns are not paid or remunerated. All expenses related to travel, accommodation and living in Venice are the responsibility of  the intern.



  • You must be at least 20 years old to apply.

Academic qualifications:
At the time of your application to the internship programme:

  • You are currently enrolled in a graduate programme (Master’s degree, PhD, or equivalent, second university degree or higher)
  • You have recently graduated with a Master’s degree or PhD (or second degree as defined above), 12 months prior to the start of the internship.
  • Please note that candidates who have completed their full-time bachelor's degree but are not enrolled in a graduate programme are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants in secretarial/assistant or technical/professional assignments must be enrolled in a secretarial school or in a specialized technical/professional institution, and must have reached the last year of their studies, or have recently graduated (within the last 12 months) from their school or institution.  


  • You should have an excellent command, both written and spoken, of English or French. A working knowledge of the other language (English or French) is an asset, and may be required for internships in secretarial and assistantship assignments at the Headquarters.

Computer skills:

  • You must have an excellent knowledge of computer systems and office-related software.

Team player:

  • You should be able to work well in a team and adapt to an international working environment.

Communication skills:

  • You should possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Le interessate e gli interessati potranno presentare la propria domanda di partecipazione alla selezione a questo link: entro il 31 dicembre 2023, ore 24:00 (ora di Parigi).

Per informazioni:

Science unit, UNESCO Regional Bureau
for Science and Culture in Europe
Tel: + 39 (0) 41 260 15 11