High Energy Physics, LHCb experiment at the LHC collider at CERN for precise measurement CP violation and rare decays of heavy flavoured hadrons, indirect search of physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics

Short description of the research team

Thematic fields of interest/research areas: High Energy Physics, LHCb experiment at the LHC collider at CERN for precise measurement CP violation and rare decays of heavy flavoured hadrons, indirect search of physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics.

Manager/head of the team: Stefania Vecchi (INFN) and Roberto Calabrese (UNIFE)

Team members: M. Andreotti, W. Baldini, C. Bozzi, R. Calabrese, A. Falabella, M. Fiore, M. Fiorini, E. Luppi, M. Savrie’, G. Tellarini, L. Tomassetti, S. Vecchi


Research infrastructures: Electronic workshop for tests and developments of the RICH detector electronics for the LHCb-upgrade project, Mechanics workshop for new developments for the LHCb-upgrade project, Computer farm for data analysis and simulation studies for the LHCb-upgrade project at Physics and Earth Science Department.


Prerequisites of the trainee researcher:

Level of education: PhD in physics or electronic engineering or computer science

Research experience: Particle Physics, or electronics, or computer science

Required working language: English or Italian

Further required requisites: working in team, willing to work also at CERN


Contacts: Stefania Vecchi for physics and simulations, Roberto Calabrese for RICH activities, Luca Tomassetti for computing activities