BBI - Bio-Based Industries
Bio-Based Industries - Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU) is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the European Commission and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BIC). BIC is a non-profit organisation that brings together more than 60 small/medium/large enterprises, clusters, public and private organisations (Research Centres and Universities) interested in investing in bio-based research and innovation and intends to invest €3.7 billion in the bio-based innovation sector during the 2014-2020 period.
BBI-JU is "guided" by SIRA (Strategic Innovation and Reserach Agenda) which identifies the main technologies and innovations needed for the development of bio-based industries and the research and activities to be carried out within the BBI-JU.
General aim:
Facilitating technological innovations that enable the efficient and sustainable conversion of biomass into industrial products, fuels and energy within so-called biorefineries, so that they can compete on cost and quality with products based on fossil resources.
Specific aims:
- To contribute to a low-carbon economy to increase economic and sustainable growth, especially in rural areas, and to develop biorefineries;
- To develop technologies involving new materials and the use of new biomass;
- To develop business models that integrate several stakeholders along the entire value chain
Unife representative:
- Prof. Simonetta Pancaldi, Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
- Prof. Alessandro Massi, Faculty of of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences