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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The Course aims to provide students with a strong knowledge of the main concepts related to strategic business management.

Compared to the past, the competitive arena is very different now, on both national and international levels.
Moreover, the scenario is still evolving due to the advent of new players, new competitive rules, and a progressive convergence among sectors.
In such a scenario it is increasingly important for companies to gain adequate strategic awareness as well as a clear picture of the sources of competitive advantage available to them and the most suitable competitive pathways to follow.

In light of these complex dynamics, this Course also aims to provide students with a diversified toolbox that will adequately prepare them to prevent or deal with business crises or even, to undertake complex business recovery processes.

By the end of the Course students will be able to discern the best strategic business options according to each specific business environment they might encounter.
Therefore, they will have gained the basic knowledge needed to undertake strategic pathways meant to support business development, consolidation and/or recovery.


Students who have already passed the “Marketing” and “Programmazione e Controllo” exams will be more likely to quickly grasp the core concepts of the Course.

Nevertheless, this is not an absolute pre-requisite for passing the “Strategia e Politica Aziendale” exam.

The key factor for success in this Course is an openness to and aptitude for critical thinking.

Course programme

The Course consists of two teaching modules as follows:

#MODULE 1 (42 hours of teaching provided by Prof. FORTEZZA) is a more general section on business strategy which includes the following topics:
- the concept of strategy and the strategic management process;
- strategic analysis;
- competitive advantage;
- strategic pathways for several different business settings;
- vertical and horizontal business integration;
- business diversification strategy;
- strategic pathways to avoid business crisis.

#MODULE 2 (14 hours of teaching provided by Prof. PANIZZA) is a more specific section on business restructuring and recovery.

Didactic methods

Interactive lectures provided by the professors but also co-created content provided through the active involvement of students. Therefore, students will play an active role in the Course under the guidance of the professors.

The Course will also host seminars provided by highly skilled professionals and Smart companies.

The professors advise students to attend the Course only if they are highly interested in taking part in a personal growth process, regardless of the final grade.

Learning assessment procedures

The final exam is meant to test the student’s achievement of the learning goals described above.

There are two different assessment methods for attending and non-attending students.

The professors firmly underscore the fact that the exam for attending students is not at all easier than the one for non-attending students. They are simply two different exam schemes.

ATTENDING STUDENTS will have the opportunity to capitalize on the in-class activities.

Specifically, in module 1 the attending students can earn up to 5 points through a group project to be discussed in class.

Once the Course (both modules) is finished, the attending students will have to pass a written exam structured as follows:
- 3 open questions on the topics of module 1 which can earn students up to 6 points each (for a total of 18 points);
- 2 open questions on the topics of module 2 which can earn students up to 4 points each (for a total of 8 points).

In order to pass the exam, students must obtain a score of at least 18 points out of 31.

NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS will have to pass a written exam, structured as follows:
- 4 open questions on the topics of module 1, of which 3 questions can earn students up to 5 points each (for a total of 15 points) and 1 question worth up to 6 points;
- 2 open questions on the topics of module 2, which can earn students up to 5 points each (for a total of 10 points).

The minimum final passing score is 18 (out of 31).

Reference texts

To prepare for the exam, attending students will have available to them the teaching materials uploaded onto the Course webpage by the professors and the materials provided in class, lesson by lesson.

Non-attending Students will prepare for the exam by studying the following textbook: G. Pellicelli (2019), Strategie d’Impresa, V edizione, Egea, Milano (only chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 19).

Non-attending Students will prepare for the exam by studying the following textbook: A. Danovi, A. Panizza (2017), Piani di Risanamento, Ipsoa, Milano (only chapters: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, and 18).

Non-attending Students are required to prepare for the exam by studying the above mentioned teaching materials thoroughly and critically.