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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to provide students with an excursus of development theories and models in literature. The approach is however practical and considers institutions and territories as main determinants of endogenous development. Furthermore, the course discusses some of the main issues in development economics (poverty, inequalities and economic growth), the role of the international institutions and the experience of emerging economies. Their activities are interpreted and discussed based on the separate theories considered. At final, the course focuses on the nexus between economic development and culture as a determinant of country identities using the scheme entitlements, capabilities and provisions. At the end of the course, students will be able to produce their own papers on the most relevant issues of development and the related context, as well as to analyze the most renown development indicators.


None, but having passed the exams in Political Economy I, Political Economy II and Economic History is an asset.

Course programme

The course concerns the history and basic tools of development economics, from classics (Smith, Ricardo, Marx) to the post-WWII period (Rostow, Clark). After the Eurocentric paradigm, the course analyzes the theory of dependence born in Latin America during the 1970s. The Keynesian perspective of equilibrated growth (Nurse) is then compared to the theories of non-equilibrated development (Schumpeter, Hirschmann, Myrdal). The course also considers the theory of business cycles (Kondrat'ev) and the role of innovation (Schumpeter), as well as the social and natural constraints to economic development (Hirsch, sustainability). Particular attention is given to the notion of development as increasing opportunities of choice (Sen). During classes, students are also provided with the understanding of the development measures adopted by the international institutions (UN, World Bank, IMF).

Part I (6 hours)
Economic development in the classic thought

Part II (18 hours)
Pioneers of economic development

Part III (6 hours)
The endogenous approach to economic development

Part IV (6 hours)
International institutions

Part V (12 hours)
Rights, economic development, and indicators of human development

Part VI (8 hours)
Economic development in China

Didactic methods

Lectures and seminars. Seminars concern specific issues in economic development and are participated by academics and professionals from development institutions. Seminar topics change each year.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam aims to assess the level the learning outcomes are accomplished. The assessment considers: the knowledge of a topic, the knowledge of relevant theories, the ability of applying notions to a real case, analytical capabilities. The assessment procedure consists in a oral examination structured into two parts. The first part is the discussion of a 10-to-15-page-length essay on a topic chosen in agreement with the lecturer. The students who regularly attend classes can take this part in a group work during the lessons period. The essay must be delivered to the lecturer in both a printed and an electronic version at least within two weeks before the exam date. The second part of the exam is an interview on the course material. A minimum grade of 18/31 in the first part is required to get access to the second part. A minimum grade of 18/31 in each part is the required to pass the exam. The final marks is given by the average of the grades obtained in the two parts.

Reference texts

Information about the material are provided during classes. The up-to-date material is available on line in the specific section of course webpage.