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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The general objective of the course is, in line with the objectives of the course of study, to provide knowledge and skills regarding the functioning of the labour market, according to the analysis of orthodox and heterodox economic theories.
In particular, the analytical tools to understand the main economic models applicable to the labour market will be provided.
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand, interpret and envisage the consequences of the economic policies that will be illustrated during the course.

To this end the course aims to transmit the following skills and

- Builds the labour demand model
- Interprets the labour demand model
- Builds the labour supply model
- Interprets the labour supply model
- Builds and interprets perfectly and not-perfectly competitive models of labour supply and demand
- Recognizes the theories, stylized facts and labour market policies

- Derives the formula of the supply and labour demand curves
- Uses analytical models and graphical tools to understand and
interpret the micro- and macro-economic phenomena of the labour market

- Ties economic models to labour policies
- Identifies the consequences of economic policies on the labour market
- Develops (even orally) an autonomous discourse on relevant labour economics topics

- uses the technical language of economics to describe the labour market phenomena

- Carries out individual and group research on specific aspects of the
- Compares her/his own competences with recent researches on the subject and with the labour market policies adopted in the national context


Although not compulsory, the following courses are suggested: Economics I and II; Mathematics

Course programme

The course will have the following contents.
The first part will be aimed at providing the analytical and interpretative bases of the Labour Economics:
- labour demand in the short and long run
- the short run labour supply
- the long run labour supply: investment in human capital and economics of education
Equilibrium in the labour market: the competitive equilibrium
Equilibrium in the labour market: the non-competitive equilibrium and forms of intervention of Trade Unions

The second part will provide insights on the following topics:
- income distribution
- labour mobility and migration
- discrimination on labour market
- platform economy and the labour market
- technological unemployment
- employment policies

Didactic methods

The course is made by 56 hours of frontal lessons coupled with general
discussions and interactions between professor and students.
The first 25 hours will be dedicated to the first part of the programme (demand and labour supply; labour market equilibrium); the remaining 31 hours will be devoted to the second part (in-depth analysis of specific issues).

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the examination is to verify the achievement of the previously indicated educational objectives.
Given the objectives and aims of the discipline the most appropriate way to verify the learning process is a written examination.
The latter is composed by two sections. The first is constituted by closed questions (5) on a vast array of topics and has the aim of capturing the overall students' knowledge of the discipline. The second is composed by open questions (2), which provide information on the capacity of the student of elaborating and analysing economic
phenomena related to the labour market through the use of the tools provided during the frontal lessons. Each of the closed questions is assigned 6 points if correct, 0 if left blank, penalty of -0.5 if not correct: the total mark is of 30 point if all the answers are correct. Each of the open questions is assigned 15 points if the answers are detailed , exhaustive, correct and developed through the use of an adequate terminology. The final score is obtained from the average of the scores of the first and second part of the exam.

The exam length will be of one hour.
The examination procedure allows to probe "the knowledge" and the
"know-how" (Dublin Descriptors 1 and 2) of the student in addition to the clarity of the exposition and technical-language competencies.

Same examination modalities for students attending the lessons and students that do not attend the lessons.

Reference texts

Main textbook: Borjas G. (2010), Economia del lavoro (a cura di A. Del Boca, D. Del Boca, L. Cappellari e A. Venturini), Brioschi Editore, Milano.
Other textbooks:
Antonelli G., Guidetti G. (2008), Economia del lavoro e delle risorse umane, UTET Università, Torino.
Bénassy-Quéré et al. (2014), Politica Economica. Teoria e Pratica, (a
cura di A. Petretto e F.F. Russo), il Mulino, Bologna

Further readings will be suggested during the course