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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course explores the theoretical and historical foundations of urban planning through lectures and
exercises conducted jointly by two integrated modules, Theories of Urban Planning (50 h) and History of Urban Planning (20 h).

The course emphasizes the basic tools of urbanism that can also be useful in the planning dimension and for understanding/solving real-world problems.
During the lectures, the historical foundations and classical theoretical paradigms of planning, the figures of the main protagonists of the discipline, whether pure scholars or planners, the application of theories to case
studies with emphasis on environmental, economic and social disparity issues will be covered. An important part of the insights will be devoted to the political aspects of planning.

The general training objectives are:
1) the learning of urban planning theories and multidisciplinary practices aimed at the analysis and design of urban and territorial contexts;
2) understanding of the role played by the discipline of urban planning in improving the functioning of cities and territories, as well as the living conditions of those who inhabit them.

Specific training objectives are:
1) the analysis, evaluation and design of human settlement in its historical development;
2) the analysis and evaluation of the social and economic conditions affecting some major Italian, European, and world urban realities;
3) the analysis and evaluation of land governance issues with specific attention to those that relate to the landscape dimension and environmental contexts;
4) knowledge of methods, tools and practices of physical planning and design, rehabilitation, redevelopment of settlements at different scales.

The course explores the theoretical and historical foundations of urban planning through lectures and exercises conducted jointly by two integrated modules, Theories of Urban Planning (50 h) and History of Urban Planning (20 h).

The course emphasizes the basic tools of urbanism that can also be useful in the planning dimension and for understanding/solving real-world problems.
During the lectures, the historical foundations and classical theoretical paradigms of planning, the figures of the main protagonists of the discipline, whether pure scholars or planners, the application of theories to case studies with emphasis on environmental, economic and social disparity issues will be covered. An important part of the insights will be devoted to the political aspects of planning.

The general training objectives are:
1) the learning of urban planning theories and multidisciplinary practices aimed at the analysis and design of urban and territorial contexts;
2) understanding of the role played by the discipline of urban planning in improving the functioning of cities and territories, as well as the living conditions of those who inhabit them.

Specific training objectives are:
1) the analysis, evaluation and design of human settlement in its historical development;
2) the analysis and evaluation of the social and economic conditions affecting some major Italian, European, and world urban realities;
3) the analysis and evaluation of land governance issues with specific attention to those that relate to the landscape dimension and environmental contexts;
4) knowledge of methods, tools and practices of physical planning and design, rehabilitation, redevelopment of settlements at different scales.


Good general education combined with an aptitude for in-depth study of topics involving socio-economic
aspects, as well as those concerning cultural and environmental heritage.

Good general education combined with an aptitude for in-depth study of topics involving socio-economic aspects, as well as those concerning cultural and environmental heritage.

Course programme

The course is divided into teaching activities carried out by the professors of the two modules, who, while addressing the topics independently, will offer students supplementary teaching activities and learning assessments jointly.

The contents of the Theories of Urbanism and History of Urbanism modules will revolve around four main themes:
1) the changes recorded in cities, neighborhoods and large metropolitan areas (including historical perspective);
2) the changes in the territorial and landscape organizational structure, based on the parameter of the city-countryside relationship and the emergence of new territorial fabrics (e.g., marginal areas; territorial settlements with dedicated functions; etc.);
3) the analyses of some of the most relevant European spatial structures;
4) policies and practices aimed at the recomposition of cities and territories.

In particular, the History of Urbanism module addresses the events of the discipline in the specificity of the Italian historical context.
Topics such as the evolution of the disciplinary debate as well as the most significant projects and
interventions conducted in major and minor cities and in the Italian territory in a chronological span from the post-unification period to the second half of the 20th century will be addressed. The concrete cases under analysis will be placed within the broader framework of the definition and role of the figure of the urban planner and considered in relation to the coeval events of architecture.

The course is divided into didactic activities carried out by the teachers of the two modules who, even if with independent addresses, offer the students didactic, supplementary activities and joint learning tests.
In particular:
1) the module of Urban Planning Theories deepens the study of the main urban planning theories developed since the end of the eighteenth century.
The study of disciplinary evolution follows the thread of the inheritance left to us by the main interpreters of the discipline, both in the theoretical field and in that of practical application. Ample space will be given to the analysis of some concrete cases considered particularly significant for the purpose of constructing the theoretical-disciplinary statute;
2) the History of Urban Planning module addresses the events of the discipline in the specificity of the Italian historical context. Exemplary cases of urban transformation of the post-unification period, the most significant projects and interventions conducted in major and minor cities and in the Italian territory during the Fascist regime, the debate on reconstruction in the years following the Second World War will be dealt with in succession. The concrete cases subject to analysis will be included in the broader framework of the definition and role of the urban planner and considered in relation to contemporary architectural events.

The contents of the Theories of Urban Planning and History of Urban Planning modules will revolve around four themes:
1) the main changes recorded in cities, neighborhoods and large metropolitan areas (also from a historical perspective);
2) the main changes in the territorial and landscape organizational structure, based on the parameter of the city-countryside relationship and the emergence of new territorial fabrics (eg marginal areas; territorial settlements with dedicated functions; etc.);
3) the main analyzes of some of the most important European territorial structures;
4) the main policies and practices aimed at the re-composition of cities and territories.

Didactic methods

The course is divided into two sections:
1) the section devoted to ex cathedra lectures and seminars;
2) the section devoted to practice.
Both will be accompanied by multimedia teaching aids, guest lecturing activities.

Common activities in the two modules are:
- the seminar activities;
- the exercise to be carried out by the students (in groups) during the course in the manner specified by the lecturers;
- the tutoring activities (checks on the progress of group work);
- the final examination paper.

The course is divided into teaching activities carried out by the professors of the two modules, who, while addressing the topics independently, will offer students supplementary teaching activities and learning assessments jointly.
The contents of the Theories of Urbanism and History of Urbanism modules will revolve around four main themes:
1) the changes recorded in cities, neighborhoods and large metropolitan areas (including historical perspective);
2) the changes in the territorial and landscape organizational structure, based on the parameter of the city-countryside relationship and the emergence of new territorial fabrics (e.g., marginal areas; territorial settlements with dedicated functions; etc.);
3) the analyses of some of the most relevant European spatial structures;
4) policies and practices aimed at the recomposition of cities and territories.

In particular, the Theories of Urbanism module delves into the study of the main urban planning theories developed since the late eighteenth century.
The study of disciplinary evolution follows the thread of the legacy left to us by the main interpreters of the discipline, both in the theoretical field and in that of practical application. Topics covered during the face-to-face lectures may include: the emergence of 20th-century urban planning thought in its broader social context; urban political economy; modernism and the failure of social engineering; postmodernism and the privatization of public space; suburbanization, regionalism and the new urbanism.
Ample space will be given to the analysis of a number of concrete cases deemed particularly significant for the purposes of constructing the theoretical-disciplinary status but also the effects on the real world.

Learning assessment procedures

Verification of learning is based on: 1) knowledge of the topics covered in class and during the seminars; 2) knowledge of the texts in the bibliography; 3) the drafting of a written text for the exercise and its oral presentation.
The final assessment, based on a single and joint oral exam, will depend on: 1) participation in classroom activities (lectures and seminars); 2) verification of the quality of the exercise; 3) oral presentation of the final exercise and knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons.

Reference texts

General texts:
- D. Calabi, Storia dell’urbanistica europea, Bruno Mondadori, 2004
- P. Sica, Storia dell’urbanistica, vol. 1 e 2, Laterza, 1992

To these texts may be added others indicated or made available by the lecturers to supplement knowledge on the topics covered in class.

General texts:
D. Calabi, Storia dell’urbanistica europea, Bruno Mondadori, 2004
P. Sica, Storia dell’urbanistica, vol. 1 e 2, Laterza, 1992