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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to offer theoretical and practical tools for analysing urban/metropolitan and non urban contexts as environments that are constantly produced, transformed, demaged or destroyed by human intervention and mediation and therefore by culture.


No specific previous knowledge is requested

Course programme

The definition of cultural landscape will be developed in a problematic way from at least 4 points of view:
1. Readings of the cultural landscape according to the contemporary increasingly relevant definition of 'anthropocene' .
2. Definition of cultural heritage and cultural tourism.
3. Socio-anthropological theories related to the interpretations of places.
4. Analysis and comment about the artworks by contemporary artists who critically act in the urban or non-urban landscape.

Didactic methods

The course will consist of on-line lectures of a theoretical nature, using visual materials and movies.
The students will also be invited to produce small researches, alone or in a small groups, analyzing case-studies related to the landscape and its transformations.
At the end of each lesson, the materials presented and discussed will be sent (power point) and the reading texts will be indicated.

Learning assessment procedures

The final test for attending students will consist of a written pre-test followed by an oral test and will be based (in both cases) on the texts delivered or indicated in class each time. In the written test, two open-ended questions will have to be answered critically and in correct Italian on topics covered during the lessons.
The written pretest may be replaced by a small research paper on a topic to be agreed upon with the teacher and presented and discussed during a class.
In the oral test the student (attending or not attending) should be able to discuss critically and adequately at least 2 problematic topics related to the program of the course.

Reference texts

Reference texts used during the course :

Nuvolati, P., 2013, L'interpretazione dei luoghi. Flanerie come esperienza di vita, Firenze University, Press.
Christin R., 2019, Turismo di massa e usura del mondo, Eleuthera,Milano.
Mirzoeff N. , 2017, Come vedere il mondo, Johan&Levi Editore.
D'Eramo, M., 2019, Il Selfie del mondo.Indagine sull'età del turismo, Feltrinelli, Milano.

For non attending students:
Mirzoeff N. , 2017, Come vedere il mondo, Johan&Levi Editore.
D'Eramo, M., 2019, Il Selfie del mondo.Indagine sull'età del turismo, Feltrinelli, Milano.
Christin R., 2019, Turismo di massa e usura del mondo, Eleuthera,Milano
Nuvolati, P., 2013, L'interpretazione dei Luoghi. Flanerie come esperienza di vita, Firenze University, Press.