Sc.Chimiche | 27/10/2023 "The Volatile Fraction of a Vegetable Matrix: a Mine of as yet Underestimated Information and Diagnostic Opportunities for Applied Research"

To All PhD Students

- Chemistry

- Environmental Health Sciences


and, c.c.

To the Coordinators

of the above mentioned 
PhD Courses


Dear All.

we are happy to forward the information about the following seminar:


27 October 2023 - h. 09:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Aula Levi - Corpo C

Levi's Room  - Bldg. C

Dip. Scienze Chimiche, Farmaceutiche ed Agrarie

Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences

Via Luigi Borsari 46

il Prof. Carlo Bicchi

University of Torino

"The Volatile Fraction of a Vegetable Matrix:

a Mine of as yet Underestimated Information and Diagnostic Opportunities for Applied Research"




PhD Students attending the seminar can be awarded no. 2 credits for disciplinary activities.