Seminario TAFS | "The Key Role of Protein Corona in the Biological Activity of Nanoparticles" | 19/06/2023


To All PhD Students
Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology
and, c.c.
To All PhD Students

on 19 June 2023 - at 11am - at the Aula F6 - Chiostro di Santa Maria delle Grazie - Via Fossato di Mortara 17/19 , Ferrara -  there will be a seminar entitled

The key role of protein corona in the biological activity of nanoparticles"

Speakers: Dr. Denis Gentili and Dr. Marianna Barbalinardo - CNR (National Research Center) Bologna

Modearator: Prof. Giacomo Pietro Ismaele Caio (Dept. of Translational Medicine - UNIFE)

There is no remote connection for this seminar. You can only attend in presence

Participants will have to refer to their tutors for the recognition of credits for attending the seminar.
