Seminario TAFS | ''Evaluation of the therapeutic and anti-toxic effects of essential oil of medicinal plants .." | 28/09/2023


To PhD Students in
- Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology
- Other SVISA Area PhD Courses
and, c.c.
To the Coordinators
PhD Course
Dear All,
on behalf of Prof. Katia Varani, Coordinator of the Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology PhD Program, we are happy to inform you about the following seminar:
28 September 2023 - at 12:00 noon

Aula 3 - Cubo Bldg.
Ms Sirine El-Othmani, MSc

Visiting Scientist from Tunisia
Prof. Paola Rizzo's Lab
Dept. of Translational Medicine

will give a seminar on:

''Evaluation of the therapeutic and anti-toxic effects of essential oil of medicinal plants in the Gafsa region against toxicity induced by toxic substances in the heart, kidney and liver at the level of physiological and molecular biomarkers in wistar rats''



Attending PhD Students can contact their tutors for the assignment of disciplinary credits.