Seminario Sc.Chimiche | “Engineering the next generation nanoparticle-cyclosporine a therapy in lupus" | Prof. Ravi Kumar - University of Alabama (USA) | 22/06/2023



To All PhD Students
and c.c.
To All PhD Students
we are happy to inform you that on
June 22nd 2023 - at 11:00 a.m

Aula F4 - Chiostro di Santa Maria delle Grazie
Via Fossato di Mortara, 17/19
Prof. M.N.V. Ravi Kumar
Center for Convergent Bioscience and Medicine
The University of Alabama at Tucsaloosa
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA
will give a seminar entitled
“Engineering the next generation nanoparticle-cyclosporine a therapy in lupus"

Remote connection is not provided.

The seminar is organized by Prof. Elisabetta Esposito (Dept. of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricaltural Sciences - Unife)
All participants have to refer to their Tutors for the assignment of credits for disciplinary activities.