Seminario NTN | Prof. Bresadola "Shocking frogs: Luigi Galvani and the birth of electrophysiology" | 08/06/2023

To All PhD Students

Translational Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies


and, c.c.

To All interested PhD Students


To All Coordinators

SVISA Area PhD Courses


Dear All,


On 8th June 2023 at 12:00 noon

Aula F10 - Chiostro di Santa Maria delle Grazie

Via Fossato di Mortara 19 - Ferrara


Prof. Marco Bresadola (Dip. di Studi Umanistici, Unife)

will give a seminar entitled


"Shocking frogs: Luigi Galvani and the birth of electrophysiology"

The semina is organized by the PhD Course in Translational Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies. No. 1 credit for disciplinary activities will be assigned to the attending NTN PhD Students.

Other PhD Students who are interested can attend, and they have to ask their Tutors for the assignment of the credit.


Poster and abstract of the seminar


For further info, please contact Dr. David Papo -