Seminario multidisciplinare_Florian Flachenecker (Commissione UE)_18 aprile 2023

18 aprile 2023 dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 presso la sala 3 UCI Cinema (Nuova Darsena).


The Università degli Studi di Ferrara is excited to host a seminar with Florian Flachenecker, PhD on April 18, 2023.

Florian Flachenecker  Policy Officer in the European Commission in DG EnvironmentHonorary Lecturer at University College London (UCL

The Recovery and Resilience Facility & REPowerEU – How does the EU support the transition to a circular economy?

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) aims to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and make the EU more sustainable, resilient, and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of green and digital transitions.

The RRF is also at the heart of the REPowerEU Plan, the European Commission’s response to the socio-economic hardships and global energy market disruption caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The talk will explain the design features of the RRF, which aim to ensure that the unprecedented amount of funds (€724 billion) support the European Green Deal objectives, with a particular focus on the circular economy. Two key assessment criteria supporting circular economy measures will be discussed in greater detail: the ‘Do no significant harm’ principle from the EU Taxonomy and a minimum target of 37% supporting climate objectives.

The talk will additionally showcase concrete examples of investment projects and reforms across Member States that support the transition to a circular economy. The talk will conclude with a critical reflection on the implementation challenges ahead as well as an outlook on upcoming EU initiatives.