Corso | Dottorati Fisica, Matematica, Scienze dell'Ingegneria | "Waves, Acoustics and Music" | 17, 24 e 31/03/2023; 14, 21 e 28/04/2023

To All PhD Students in Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Science


on 17 March 2023 the course "Waves, Acoustics and Music" will start.

Duration: 15 hours

Credits:  5 CFU

Lessons calendar:
1) 17/03, 14.30-16.30, online sulla classroom del corso, codice 7lf7hoe
Prof. I.Masina

2) 24/03, 14.30-16.30, aula F6 dei Nuovi Istituti Biologici (Via Borsari 46)

Prof. G.Rispoli

3) 31/03, 14.30-17.00, aula C412 Polo Scientifico Tecnologico + Camera Anecoica

Dr. C.Visentin

4) 14/04, 14.30-17.00, aula C412 Polo Scientifico Tecnologico

Dr. G. Lo Presti

5) 21/04, 14.30-17.30, aula C412 Polo Scientifico Tecnologico

Prof. I.Masina

6) 28/04, 14.30-17.30, aula C412 Polo Scientifico Tecnologico + Laboratorio Acustica

Prof. D.Stanzial



The program abstract is available at page 26 of the Physics disciplinary courses leaflet  which is available at the new IUSS web site - section dedicated to the disciplinary activities