The Scholarship (grant)

  • How much is the scholarship (grant)?

As from 01/07/2022, the scholarship (grant) for the University of Ferrara amounts to € 16.243,00 per year. (Italian Ministerial Decree No. 247 dated 23/02/2022)

Scholarship (grant) - annual gross amount

Scholarship (grant) - annual net of tax detracted by Inps (Italian Social Security Authority)

Gross monthly payment

Net monthly payment

Inps (Italian Social Security Payment) contribution

€ 16.243,00 € 14.346,46 € 1.278,61 €1.195.53

2/3 borne by Unife: 23,35%
1/3 by the scholarship holder: 11,68%

N.B.: As of 1st January 2022 the contribution rates are 35,03% (for people who have not taken out any other forms of compulsory pension schemes).

  • How can I check how much I have been credited with?

Monthly reports on the scholarship (grant) disbursement are published online, a few days before the payment is made. They can be consulted, together with the annual summary of the certifications for the Gestione Separata (Italian Separate National Insurance and Pension Scheme of Inps - Italian Social Security Authority), by accessing,  the reserved area where electronic payslips are published with your username. When salary coupons or other documents are published, an e-mail from will inform interested parties of the presence of a new document available for consultation, and a link will provide direct access to be able to both view and download it. The e-mail is sent to your incoming mail box issued together with the password by the Helpdesk and Administration Services Unit. The system guarantees absolute confidentiality of data access. 
Here you can find a Guide to Payslip Consultation.

  • Who is entitled to it, what is its duration and when is it paid?

The scholarships (grants), the number of which is stated for each PhD degree course in the relevant call for applications, are awarded following a comparative assessment of merit and in the order defined in the respective rankings. In the event of equal merit, the assessment of the economic situation determined in accordance with the Decree of the Italian President of the Council of Ministers dated 9th April 2001 published in Official Gazette No.172 dated 26/07/2001 will prevail. The annual amount of the scholarship (grant) is € 15,343.28, which is subject to the Gestione Separata contribution (Italian Separate National Insurance and Pension Scheme of Inps - Italian Social Security Authority),.
The duration of the scholarship (grant) is equal to the entire duration of the course (36 months).
The frequency of payment of the scholarship (grant) is deferred monthly.
The amount of the scholarship (grant) is increased by 50% for any period of residence abroad, up to a maximum of 18 months, except in the case of special agreements.

The supplement is paid at the end of the period spent abroad.
A person who has been awarded a scholarship for a PhD degree course, even for only one year or part of a year, may not apply for it a second time.
The scholarship (grant) cannot be combined with scholarships (grants) of any other kind whatsoever, except with those granted by national or foreign institutions to supplement the research activities of the scholarship holder through stays abroad.
Holders of research grants and non-EU scholarship (grant) holders awarded by the Italian government or the government awarded by their country of origin who have won the competition are admitted to the PhD programme without a scholarship (grant), even if the PdD course continues beyond the period covered by the research grant or scholarship.
In the event of scholarships (grants) not being awarded to successful candidates, they will be awarded to eligible candidates in the order of their ranking.

  • Do I have to file a tax return?

It is important to specify immediately that the PhD research grant, regardless of its amount and of what is written on the criteria of the various tax declaration forms, is exempt from local income tax and from IRPEF (Personal Income Tax (Art. 4 of Law No. 476 dated 13/8/1984 and Art. 6 of Law No. 398 dated 30th November 1989). With regard to the obligation to submit a tax return (equivalent of the Italian 730 and UNICO forms), a taxpayer whose only income is a PhD scholarship (grant) is not required to submit a tax return. However, it is advisable to check this directly each year in the instructions either on the form or on the website of the Italian Inland Revenue website.

  • What is the tax and social security treatment relating to the PhD scholarship (grant)?

The scholarship (grant) is not subject to IRPEF (Personal Income) taxation (Art. 4 of L. 476/84; Art. 6, paragraph 6 of L. 398/89), it is however necessary to submit the CU form.
A total pension contribution of 34.23% is due on the scholarship (grant), with the scholarship holder paying 11.41% of the instalment, while for those who pay contributions into other social security funds (e.g. the compulsory ones for those registered with a professional association) the INPS withholding tax rate is reduced. Contributions are automatically deducted from the monthly payment and paid by the University directly to the competent (INPS) social security authority.

  • Do I need to submit any documentation to be able to benefit from the scholarship (grant)?

The opening of a social security account with INPS (Italian Social Security Authority) is required and the submission of the forms downloadable from the internet page dedicated to said forms.

  • Can its amount be increased under special conditions?

The amount may be increased by the internal doctoral regulations.
In addition, the amount is increased by 50% for periods of stay abroad for reasons relating to the research grant, upon presentation of appropriate documentation, up to a maximum of 18 months, except in the case of special agreements.
The supplement is paid at the end of the period spent abroad.

  • When and how are payments made?

As from 2014, the scholarship (grant) has been divided into 12 deferred monthly payments, paid on the 24th of the month following the reference period.

  • What happens to the scholarship (grant) when the PhD course is interrupted?

The PhD regulations state that if you interrupt the PhD course, either voluntarily or because you have not been admitted to the following year by the Board of Lecturers, you are no longer entitled to receive the scholarship (grant). The scholarship (grant) for the period already completed does not have to be returned.

  • Is a PhD student without a scholarship (grant) required to attend lectures?

A PhD student without a scholarship (grant) has the exact same obligations as a PhD student awarded with a scholarship (grant). He/she is also required to attend lectures, and to carry out research as determined by his/her Board of Lecturers.

  • Are there any tax exemptions for PhD students?

Yes, the annual fee for enrolment on PhD courses is determined on the basis of the Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente (ISEE) (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) and the Indicatore della Situazione Patrimoniale Equivalente (ISPE) (Equivalent Financial Situation Indicator) provided for in Article 1-bis of  Italian Prime Ministerial Decree No. 221 dated 7th May 1999 et seq.  For details of the tax reductions, see the Ufficio Diritto allo Studio (Right to Study Office)

  • Can the scholarship (grant) be combined with other scholarships (grants) awarded?

The scholarship (grant) (in accordance with Law 398/1989) cannot be combined with scholarships (grants) of any other kind whatsoever, except with those granted by national or foreign institutions to supplement the research activities of the scholarship (grant) holder through stays abroad.