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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The teaching target of general parasitology is helping Agricultural Technologies and Delta Aquaculture students to grasp the morphological features, life cycle and main harm of the parasites of aquatic animals. The course will provide information about general parasitology and on different aspects of zoonosis due to aquatic foodborne diseases.

This course will provide following knowledges to the student:
- terms and key concepts of general parasitology
- features of most important taxon of parasite, i.e., protozoan, helminths, myxozoans, arthropods
- different type of hosts, the damage caused by parasites and the immune responses of host
- ways of transmission of pathogens
- main strategies of prevention against the zoonosis
- life cycle of some important parasites
- climate change and parasites

Thanks to the course, the student will obtain the capacity to:
- recognize different type of parasites
- figure out the role of animals as reservoir and agent for transmission of pathogenic organisms
- show the principal strategies for prevention and/or avoid the diffusion of zoonotic diseases


There is no propedeucity. Nevertheless, it will assumed that the student has basic knowledge about the biology: cell, animals, interactions between living organisms.

Course programme

In the first module, namely the main part of the course, the following topics will be treated: Definition of the symbiosis, mutualisms, commensalisms, parasitism, parasitism in aquatic animals. Common terms used in parasitology, antiquity of parasites. Abiotic and biotics factors which induce diseases in aquatic animals. The features of most important aquatic animals parasites: Protozoa, Helminths, Myxozoa, Arthropods, different type of hosts, pathogenicity of parasites, defence reaction of host, innate immunity, adaptive immunity, life cycles of main fish parasites, fish parasites-zoonosis and public health, prophylactic and treatment of fish parasites.
Second module: Diseases due to: Sarcomastigophora (Cryptobiosis, Amyloodiniosis), flagellates (Trypanosomiasis), Amebiasis, Ciliophora (Ichthyophthiriosis, Trichodinosis), Apicomplexa (Coccidiosis). Parasitic diseases due to: Microsporidians, Myxozoans (Myxobolus cerebralis, Enteromyxum leei), Platyhelminthes Monogenean (Dactylogyroidea, Gyrodactyloidea), Digenea (Opisthorchiasis, Diplostomosis, Sanguinicolosis), Cestoda (Diphyllobothriasis, Triaenophorosis, Ligulosis, Bothriocephalosis), Nematoda (Anguillicolosis, Anisakidosis), Acanthocephala and Arthropoda (Crustacea).

Didactic methods

Didactic methods are mainly based on front lectures, as important tool for synthesis and development of the formative targets. This tool is focused on slides analyzed during lectures and on related books and publications advised to the student to lead the formative course.

In case of eventual emergency situation due to COVID-19 and to limit the inconvenience of students, the "didactic methods" may take place in different ways than described in this teaching schedule.

Learning assessment procedures

A text with 21 closed questions with 4 answers each and each query with 1.5 point will verify the knowledge of the all parts of the course programme:
- Several questions will be asked on symbiosis, the definition of parasitism, different type of parasites and hosts, the relationship between host-parasite, damages of the parasite to the host, defence mechanisms of the host. For this part a maximum of 15 points will be assigned.
- The description of the life cycle of several parasites important for public health. For this part a maximum of 7.5 points will be assigned.
- Some general and specific queries on zoonosis and risk from aquatic animals as source of human food will be provided. For this part a maximum of 9 points will be assigned.
To pass the exam it is necessary to get at least 18 point out of 31.5, or 12 correct answers. If the final mark is below 18, it is necessary to repeat the exam. Duration of the exam is 22 minutes.

For DSA students, the procedure and the duration of the exam will be evaluated individually.

Reference texts

A pdf document will be provided to the students.
Following books are recommended.

Fish Disease, diagnosis and treatment (2000), Ed. E.J. Noga, Iowa State University Press, Ames, USA
Marine Parasitology (2005), Ed. K. Rohde, CABI publishing, Australia