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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to present the historical evolution of the main mathematical theories and their practical teaching in schools and Italian universities.
At the end of the course the student will be able to critically analyze teching programmes and textbooks of mathematics in different historical periods.


Basic knowledge of Euclidean geometry of the plane and space, Elementary algebra, Analytic geometry, Differential calculus.

Course programme

Mathematics in ancient civilizations (2 hours)
The Pythagorean school (2 hours)
The mathematical school of Alexandria (2 hours)
Teaching mathematics in Rome (2 hours)
Teaching mathematics in the Middle Ages (2 hours)
The renewal of mathematical studies and the abacus schools (2 hours)
Astronomy and mathematics at the universities of the fifteenth century (2 hours)
The algebra in the sixteenth century and his books (2 hours)
The universities of Copernicus (2 hours)
Teaching mathematics in the Italy of the Catholic reform (2 hours)
The Jesuits between religion and science (3 hours)
Science and technology in the sixteenth and seventeenth century (3 hours)
Galileo and the Galilean school (3 hours)
The Cartesian geometry (3 hours)
The differential calculus (3 hours)
Mathematics and physics in the Colleges of the eighteenth century (3 hours)
Teaching mathematics in Italy in the Napoleonic period (3 hours)
Teaching mathematics and elementary books in the early nineteenth century (3 hours)
Books of infinitesimal calculus in the early nineteenth century (3 hours)
Mathematics and technical education: the Lombardy-Venetia and the Kingdom of Sardinia, Tuscany, the Papal Legations, Marche (3 hours)
Emigration policy and international experiences (2 hours)
Teachings into a unified mathematical (2 hours)
Manuals calculus after unification (2 hours)
Mathematics and mathematicians in the Scuola Normale of Pisa (2 hours)
The Italian mathematicians and the Great War (2 hours)
The math and the Gentile reform (3 hours)

Didactic methods

Lectures and practices, with the support of data bases, films and materials available in the Net.

Learning assessment procedures

The oral examination is intended as the discussion of a group of topics developed during the course, drawn and deepened by the student.
The final grade is based, for one half on the knowledge of the principal contents presented, for the other half on the capacity to independently develop the assigned topics.
To pass the exam the student must obtain a minimum score of 18 out of 30.

Reference texts

Reference Text:
L. Pepe, Insegnare matematica. Storia degli insegnamneti matematici in Italia, Bologna, Clueb, 2016.
Further materials:
Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, edited by I. Grattan-Guinness, vol. I-II, London, Routledge, 1994.