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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The purpose of the "Electrochemistry" course is to provide the graduate student full understanding of the principles driving the electrochemical processes, and their application in materials science of emerging fields, such as the energy storage from renewable sources. The course illustrates in detail the main aspects of electrochemistry, including the redox processes thermodynamics, their kinetics, the electrolyte properties and the electrode-electrolyte interphase characteristics, the electrochemical cells, the batteries and energy storage systems, the chemical-physical and electrochemical characterization of the materials.
Knowledge and understanding application
The graduate student interprets the electrochemical reactions; the graduate knows the main redox processes, the properties of electrolytic solutions and electrode-electrolyte interphases; The graduate knows the implications of electrochemistry in the course of natural processes, in the electrochemical cells and in the modern energy storage systems.


Courses: mathematics, chemistry, general physics, physical chemistry

Course programme

Electrolyte solutions; Electrode-electrolyte interphase; Thermodynamics and electrode potentials; redox reactions; Electrochemical cells; Electrode kinetics; corrosion; Energy storage and conversion; Materials for electrochemical applications; Techniques for materials chemical-physical characterization of materials; Techniques for materials electrochemical characterization; Advanced batteries and energy storage systems

Didactic methods

The course is focused on theoretical lectures in class during the semester

Learning assessment procedures

Learning is verified by oral examine in order to verify the full theoretical knowledge of the basic principles of electrochemistry and their implications; the interpretation of the redox processes; electrochemical cells, the properties of electrolyte solutions and electrode-electrolyte interphases properties; materials for electrochemical applications; chemical-physical and electrochemical methods used for their characterization and their applications in batteries and systems of interest in modern energy storage.

Reference texts

- Bruno Scrosati, K. M. Abraham, Walter A. van Schalkwijk and Jusef Hassoun
Lithium Batteries: Advanced Technologies and Applications
ISBN: 978-1-1181-8365-6

- Carl H. Hamann,
ISBN: 978-3-527-31069-2