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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo semestre (primi anni)

Training objectives

The training experience of training aims, through observation / participation in projects to field activities, to enable the acquisition of: analytical skills and understanding of reality and of the most important phenomena in the areas of management, training, research and applied clinical, start reflective practices in the direction of change, experiment in individual productions that stimulate creativity, organization, conceptualization and the report building. The projects will be developed so required in the areas of Management, Training and Research that where deemed important to cover also the clinical aspects - assistance considered transversal to the three areas, the basis of knowledge pertaining to the various integrated courses. The aim of the internship is also to enable the student to learn about operating environments, namely the roles, activities, the mutual relations of those who work there, the theoretical and pragmatic models that inspire the actions, rules, strategies adopted in complex organizations, as well as the characteristics of the subjects to which the structure is addressed and, more generally, of all those with whom, for various reasons, interacts. For this purpose it is envisaged the testing of the methodology for projects through the development of the project work (drafting of a report 30 pages maximum). The goal of training is completed by performing the analysis of the context in which the host company is located, the training of presence, with particular reference to the model according Mitzberg (drafting of a maximum of 10 pages). You are advised to consult the guide published in training site of degree.


Attendance of training lessons concerning the knowledge of organizational complexity and project work.

Course programme

Preliminary educational activities supporting the experience of training (12 hours) allow the student to learn about:
- the rationale of organizational complexity, his reading and knowledge of tools for its evaluation through the analysis of methodologies and tools;
- the work for projects- phases, methods of analysis and verification tools indicators;
- organizational analysis through the model Mitzberg;
- examples of applicability of the assessment tools.
The project involves:
- the choice of setting where the implementation of the internship and the area of interest that you want to investigate (to be agreed with the teacher);
- the preparation of a project with the definition of the training objectives and the methodology to achieve them;
- the analysis of the international literature;
- the analysis of the reference standards;
- the predisposition of analysis tools motivated and supported by evidence and theories learned in the classroom that circumscribe the topic on which internship and allow the observation and in-depth analysis. The choice of the theoretical model and drafting tools to guide field observation underlie processes of transfer and integration of knowledge in the context of situations;
- documentation relating to the experience of apprenticeship certification (downloaded from the site of the study course);
- the project must be completed in a final paper that will be discussed by the student in the examination. The final report is the document that describes the implemented curriculum. It contains, in addition to the initial project, the activities carried out during the internship experience and reflections. In this paper we will present the thematic choice, the activities carried out and to which the student participated, methodologies and tools used, the entertained organizational relationships, the results obtained.

Didactic methods

Lectures , group work and plenary discussion.
- Sessions of briefing the teacher of training to define the venue and the specific objectives deriving from the core competencies expected from graduates.
- Tutoring of the teacher for the preparation of the project by the student. Contract of apprenticeship. Stage implementation agreed.

Learning assessment procedures

In the exam sessions the teacher of the training certifies the level of learning achieved.
In case of the negative overall evaluation path, this will have to be repeated in whole or in part.
The assessment is expressed in thirtieth and on the basis of the following criteria:
- the opinion of the stage manager tutor;
- the level of projects achieved in the experience of internship;
- the quality of the final reports, in terms of the ability to transfer and apply their theoretical models, reflection and experience reworking, clarity, logical organization, and timely delivery;
- exposure of the internship report (systematic exposition, synthesis capacity, quality of the slides on schedule), and ability to support the contradictory.

Reference texts

Slides provided by the teacher accompanied with bibliography for each topic covered during educational preparation activities to training.