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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 006150 - NEUROLOGIA
Providing essential bases of neurological pathologies, integrating courses of functional anatomy, physiopathology and pathology with semeiotics, clinical approach, diagnostic laboratory and instrumental-neurophysiological procedures and neuroimaging which allow the evaluation of the most relevant clinical pictures in dental practice.
Providing basic concepts of medical and surgical therapeutic procedures used in the neurological field.
Providing necessary knowledge to be able to face neurological emergencies in epileptic seizures, syncope, coma and other disorders of vigilance, with special attention to their aetiology, cure and the respective maneuvers required.
Developing interdisciplinary clinical approaches related to the most significant cranial-encephalic pathologies in dental practice.
Providing cultural bases and practical-applicative paths for the diagnosis and therapy of orofacial, nociceptive and neuropathic pain. Providing a general introduction to bruxism and other parasomnias.

Modulo: 26177 - PSICHIATRIA
Knowledge of the most important psychiatric disorders and their risk factors in the general population.
Knowledge on the main aspects of the dentistry that most often need a psychiatric or psychological approach, or that show, however, a closer correlation with emotional variables.
Knowledge of the assessment instruments in psychiatry, with specific application in rehabilitation.
Knowledge of the most important intervention both at the prevention and treatment levels.


Modulo: 006150 - NEUROLOGIA
Basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Modulo: 26177 - PSICHIATRIA
Basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Course programme

Modulo: 006150 - NEUROLOGIA
General principles of the anatomic-functional organization of the nervous system.
Myopathies, myasthenia and myastheniform syndromes.
Peripheral paralysis: disorders of trophism, tone, reflexes and muscular strength. Central paralysis of motion.
Disorders of somatic sensitivities.
Acute and chronic pain: physiopathological bases, facial pain. Cerebellar syndromes. Extra pyramidal syndromes, with special reference to Parkinson's disease.
Innervation of the cephalic end in humans, considered from an anatomic-clinical point of view: cranial nerves; somatic and vegetative reflexology of the cephalic end, considered from a clinical and instrumental point of view.
Trigeminal neuralgia, essential and secondary; other causes of cranial-facial pain.
Disorders of chewing, swallowing, verbal articulation and phonation.
Clinical Neuropsychology: hints on upper symbolic brain functions: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia.
General information on the main instrumental and laboratory investigations.
General information on:
Vascular diseases of the brain. Cranial-cerebral traumas. Cancer of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Hints on systemic degenerative diseases. Hints on inflammatory diseases of the brain.
Epilepsies: general framework.
Principal sleeping disorders. Hints on disorders of consciousness and coma.

Modulo: 26177 - PSICHIATRIA
Psychiatry as a science of mental health and its application in rehabilitation.
Theory and clinical models in Psychiatry.
The most important psychiatric disorders, with specific reference at the rehabilitation context (mood disorders, anxiety and adjustment disorders, psychiatric disorders secondary to medical factors).
The most important dentistric disorders that most often need a psychiatric or psychological approach, or that show, however, a closer correlation with emotional variables.
The Consultation Liaison Psychiatry in the General Hospital and Medical practice.
Psychiatric assessment and integrated intervention in rehabilitation (counselling, psychotherapy, principles of psychopharmacology).

Didactic methods

Modulo: 006150 - NEUROLOGIA
Frontal lesson
Training in the Neurological Department
Optional participation at seminars and workshops, advanced courses, meetings of clinical neurosciences.

Modulo: 26177 - PSICHIATRIA
Frontal lesson
Training in the Neurological Department: ward, Day Hospital, outpatient's departments.
Optional participation at seminars and workshops, advanced courses, meetings of clinical neurosciences.

Learning assessment procedures

NEUROLOGY: oral exam
Two questions on topics as follows:
-Neurological semeiology, etiopathogenesis and clinic of the Nervous System Diseases;
-Lesions of the cranial nerves
Length of exam is 15-20 minutes on average.
The oral exam values knowledge, expository clarity, communicative abilities, rigour and logically speaking, capability of connection and application in clinical practice.
PSYCHIATRY: written exam (90 minutes) with three open questions on topics discussed during the lessons.

Reference texts

Modulo: 006150 - NEUROLOGIA
P. Pazzaglia, Clinica Neurologica, Soc. Editrice Esculapio, 2008, Bologna

Modulo: 26177 - PSICHIATRIA
Balestrieri M., Bellantuono C., Berardi D., Di Giannantonio M., Rigatelli M., Siracusano A., Zoccali R.A. Manuale di Psichiatria. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Roma, I Edizione, 2007.
Material provided directly by the teacher.