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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

a) Provide the students with knowledge about the composition of foods, their derivation, production and conservation methods as well as distribution and label interpretation.
b)culturally frame the role of food in causing the disease by highlighting the relationship between characteristics of individual food and the possible metabolic action of this in different situations
c) Identify the food components both useful to nutrition and to the protective activity from the disease
d) Provide technical elements of Culinary useful to the maintenance of protective metabolically quality of Bioactive Food Components
e) To give to the student indications about alimentary behavior as general preventive measure and in individual pathological conditions.
f) To provide students with elements of food preparation technique according to the principles of Culinary Nutrition


Knowledge of biology, biochemistry, human nutrition elements

Course programme

Theoretical Lessons
a) The role of nutrition in the local tradition and history and the formation of dietary habits. Epidemiology of the role of food in causing disease. Definitions of foods and food. The food in the context of the Global Health.
b) The composition of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids and their metabolic fate. Effects of preservation methods of food on metabolism and their relationship with the lifestyles. Characteristics of plant and animal production
c) The food-derived illnesses. Elements of prevention and possibilities of reducing the risk of ill. Diets and their effectiveness.
d) The dietary prescription as a preventive factor. Interpretation of labeling, the choice of food: color, seasonality, quantity and quality of the composition of the recipes. Chemical analysis of food and quality certification
e) Discussion of clinical cases

Theoretical and practical part
Two modules of 3 hours student each in Educational Kitchen
Module 1 - General principles of Culinary Nutrition. New technologies in the Kitchen.
Module 2 - Cooking and food handling.The nutritional composition and Bioactive Food Components in relation to the prevention of disease.

Didactic methods

Lectures and practical activity in the kitchen teaching
They collaborate with the Teacher of the Teaching, Prof. Michele Rubbini, to carry out the didactic activities: Prof Vincenzo Brandolini, Prof. Chiara Manzi, Prof. Liborio Trotta, Dott.ssa Chiara Vassalli
Theoretical Practical lessons will take place at the Didactic Kitchen of I.I.S. Orio Vergani in Via Sogari 3 Ferrara.
Coordinator of Practical Theoretical Activities Prof.ssa.ssa Chara Manzi

Learning assessment procedures

Written exam: The student is required to present a dissertation on a topic of the course or as a study of a topic of his choice concerning the topics of the course and answer two questions on topics in the program of the course. The duration of the test is about 60 minutes and aims to assess the student's preparation on the subject and the ability to transfer the acquired information on a clinical level.
The evaluation of the exam is based on the following parameters:
1) Attendance at lectures and exercises (not less than 75%)
2) Report
3) Answers to questions during the examination
a) Frequency: essential to access the Evaluation Test
b) Report: the level of depth of the chosen topic, its relevance to the Course, the originality and clarity of the exhibition is evaluated. For a total of 40% of the final evaluation
c) Test during the exam: the two questions are evaluated separately, assessing the relevance of the answer, its placement in the cultural content of the Teaching, the scientific adherence to the topic dealt with, the clarity of exposition. Each answer contributes 30% to the final evaluation.
Evaluation structure.
Report: points available 12/30
Exam test: points available 18/30, 9 for each answer given.
The praise is attributed to the whole of the answers + the report

Reference texts

Chiara Manzi, Antiaging con gusto, Ed. Sperling &Kupfer