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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

- to understand, how environment, genetic and epigenetic conditions influence germ-cell conditioned living entities
- to understand the basics of epidemiology, necessary for the study and understanding of human diseseas
- to define lifestyle patterns with positive and negative effects on individual and community health, including their pathophysiological mechanisms
- to learn basic techniques of contacts with patients and with public instances in order to improve lifestyle patterns
- to understand political and economic implications of primary prevention


English language; prepared for interactivity with students/teachers.

Course programme

4-weeks course; about 15 hours presence per week (Tuesday to Thursday). Transversal teaching from basic sciences over clinical and social sciences to epidemiological research.

Didactic methods

Problem-based learning (PBL) according to the Maastricht system: group discussions around key cases, directed by student chair-persons and secretaries. 50% autodidactics. Aquisition of techniques for Continuous Medical Education (CME).

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the exam, in English language, is to verify the learning of the principal topics of the course, including the basis of epidemiology, the relationship between correct life style and individual/public health, the basis of epigenetics, the consequences of primary prevention. The exam is a 30 multiple-choice written test; the maximun duration of the test is one hour.
Given the particular teaching method with which they are required courses (PBL) and the organization of the final exam, the exam must be done at the end of each cycle of lessons and not in years other than the frequency.

Reference texts

Scientific articles on specific topics related to the clinical cases presented.
Consultation of texts of internal medicine, gastroenterology, gynecology, surgery, epidemiology and public health.