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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Modulo: 003467 - ENDOCRINOLOGIA
At the end of the course the student should know the main basis of endocrine and metabolic physiopathology.
In particular the student should learn:
-molecular and physiopathologic mechanisms of endocrine and metabolic diseases, including the main endocrine cancers
-pathologic and therapeutic aspects of the main endocrine and metabolic diseases and their implications on oral and dental apparatus
The basic acquired abilities will be:
-to recognize the interrelation between the diseases of the teeth and oral cavity and the main diseases of the endocrine system and metabolism
-to acquire skill in the management of patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders.

Modulo: 23814 - FARMACOLOGIA
The main training objective concerns the understanding of the fundamental principles of general pharmacology. The student will acquire knowledge on the concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics that underlie the therapeutic effects of drugs. The student will therefore be able to understand the variables that affect both the movement of drugs within the organism and their mechanism of action at the molecular and cellular level. At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basic terminology to describe the effects of drugs and the rational basis of drug therapy. The student will also acquire the basic knowledge of some specific classes of drugs, understanding the general concepts that characterize their mechanism of action.

Modulo: 24441 - MEDICINA INTERNA
To provide an overview of etiological, pathophysiological and clinical characteristics of the most common acute and chronic conditions related to odontology

Modulo: 28182 - ANESTESIOLOGIA
To learn:
- how to perform a correct anamnesis to identify the clinical conditions that could increase the risk connected to the patient's treatment
- how to prevent or reduce this risk
- how to recognize and to treat the acute critical clinical conditions according to the law.

To acquire the basic skills to recognize
promptly the degree of impairment of vital functions and to properly
the basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of semi-automatic defibrillator


Modulo: 003467 - ENDOCRINOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa ENDOCRINOLOGIA - 003467 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Good knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
Basic knowledge of the physiology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, peripheral and autonomic nervous. Adequate prior knowledge on human anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the endocrine system

Modulo: 23814 - FARMACOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 23814 del CdS DIETISTICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Dietista) - 1050)
Good knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and general pathology.

Modulo: 24441 - MEDICINA INTERNA (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 24441 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Good knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
Basic knowledge of the physiology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, peripheral and autonomic nervous. Adequate prior knowledge on human anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the endocrine system

Modulo: 28182 - ANESTESIOLOGIA
Good knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
Basic knowledge of the physiology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, peripheral and autonomic nervous. Adequate prior knowledge on human anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the endocrine system

Good knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
Basic knowledge of the physiology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, peripheral and autonomic nervous. Adequate prior knowledge on human anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the endocrine system

Course programme

Modulo: 003467 - ENDOCRINOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa ENDOCRINOLOGIA - 003467 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of the endocrine and metabolic disorders and their consequences on oral health, with specific reference to:
- Diabetes mellitus: classification, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, complications and therapy. Oral complications of diabetes mellitus. Approach to the diabetic patient. Thyroid diseases and cancer
- Physiopathology of calcium and bone metabolism. Osteoporosis. Parathyroid diseases: hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. Oral death and pathology of calcium metabolism
- Physiopathology of the hypothalamo-pituitary system. Anterior pituitary diseases (pituitary adenomas, excess or deficiency of anterior pituitary hormone production) and diabetes insipidus. Oral implications of pituitary diseases.
- Physiopathology of the adrenal cortex: Adrenal insufficiency and Cushing syndrome. Approach to the patients with adrenal insufficiency and chronically treated with corticosteroid.
- Definition and endocrine aspects of hypertension.

Modulo: 23814 - FARMACOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 23814 del CdS DIETISTICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Dietista) - 1050)
General concepts in Pharmacology.
Pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism (biotransformation) and elimination.
Pharmacodynamics: the main molecular targets of the pharmacological action, classification of receptors; drug-receptor interaction; signal transduction pathways.
Special pharmacology: presentation of the fundamental concepts of some specific classes of the most commonly used drugs with description of the characteristics and mechanisms of action underlying their therapeutic effect.

Modulo: 24441 - MEDICINA INTERNA (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 24441 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Vital parameters. Semeiotic of the chest and abdomen.
-Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, arrhythmias, endocarditis, deep venous thrombosis)
-Diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary embolism)
-Diseases of the gastrointestinal system (disorders of esophagus, disorders of stomach and duodenum)
-Hepatobiliary disorders (acute hepatitis, cirrhosis)
-Disorders of the genitourinary system (electrolytic alterations, acute and chronic renal failure)
-Disorders of the nervous system (cerebrovascular disease, syncope)
-Hematological diseases (anemia, platelet diseases, hemorrhagic disorders)
Clinical pharmacology (adverse drug reactions)

Modulo: 28182 - ANESTESIOLOGIA
Revisions of physiology and pathophysiology of respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems and theirs possible interactions. How to recognize the physiologic and pathologic modifications of vital signs with regard to the arterial pulse, cardiac frequency, arterial pressure, breath, skin's characteristics, temperature, etc. How to evaluate pain and anxiety, their importance and their implications. How to recognize signs and symptoms of the most severe and frequently diseases: cardiac failure, respiratory failure, syncope, lipothymia, cardiac arrest, hypoglycaemic fit. Oxygen therapy and Basic Life Support (primary ABC) - practical exercises.
Requirements and treatment of oral hygiene in critical care patients: non cooperating patients, patients with coma, tracheal intubated patients - practical exercises.

- Knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation: epidemiology and pathophysiology
- Training performance of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques with the use of oro-nasal cannulas, pocket mask, face-shield as a means of protection, semi-automatic defibrillator
- Application of sequences of actions for the immediate relief of cardiac arrest and activation of the system of advanced life support

Didactic methods

Modulo: 003467 - ENDOCRINOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa ENDOCRINOLOGIA - 003467 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Frontal lectures on the course’s topics and clinical cases presentation

Modulo: 23814 - FARMACOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 23814 del CdS DIETISTICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Dietista) - 1050)
Classroom lectures on all the topics of the course using Power Point slides. The teacher will provide the students with the teaching material used during the lectures.

Modulo: 24441 - MEDICINA INTERNA (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 24441 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Frontal lectures on the course’s topics and clinical cases presentation

Modulo: 28182 - ANESTESIOLOGIA
Frontal lectures on the course’s topics and clinical cases presentation

Frontal lectures on the course’s topics and clinical cases presentation

Learning assessment procedures

Written, multiple choice test, with 30 closed-answer questions; 4-5 possible responses are provided for each question, with a single correct answer. Score definition: 1 point for each correct response, 0 point for each ungiven response or wrong response. Positive test: when a score equal or higher than 18/30 is gained. Allowed time: 30 minutes.
Oral exam aimed at verifying the preparation of the student on the pharmacology concepts, the reasoning skills and the acquisition of a correct terminology. The exam will consist of 3 questions, one on pharmacokinetics, one on pharmacodynamics and one on special pharmacology. Each answer will be given a score between 0 and 10. To pass the exam it is necessary to obtain a minimum score of 18.
The aim of the exam is to verify at which level the learning objectives previously described have been acquired, by an oral test lasting about 20 minutes with 2-3 questions, that will evaluate the acquired knowledge. In addition, the test will evaluate the capacity of connecting the acquired notions.
The exam consists of two tests which take place on the same day.
• a simulation test in which we will examine the main skills related to cardio-pulmonary resuscitation under cardio-circulatory arrest. In addition they will be assessed the pathophysiological principles of circulatory arrest. The estimated time for the test is 30 minutes for student. It is possible to consult the simulator at the simulation center located in the hospital of Cona. The overcoming of this test is a fundamental requirement for access to the oral exam.
• an oral examination lasting 30 minutes, in which the knowledge of the main clinical emergencies (in particular will be evaluated will be assessed relevant pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic) will be evaluated. It will also be evaluated in-depth capability of the topics covered in the lectures. The qualitative evaluation will take into account the clarity and precision. To pass the exam you need to acquire a minimum of 18 out of 33 score.
If one of the two trials is insufficient or if the total score is less than 18 it is necessary to repeat both tests.
Arithmetic average of scores gained in each module will be calculated to obtain the final vote.

Reference texts

Modulo: 003467 - ENDOCRINOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa ENDOCRINOLOGIA - 003467 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Faglia G., Beck-Peccoz P., Spada A., Lania A., Core curriculum. Endocrinologia e metabolismo, II edizione (2014), McGraw-Hill Education
Monaco F., Endocrinologia per i corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie, II edizione (2013) Società Editrice Universo

Modulo: 23814 - FARMACOLOGIA (mutua dall'attività formativa FARMACOLOGIA - 23814 del CdS DIETISTICA (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Dietista) - 1050)
Clementi, Fumagalli. Farmacologia Generale e Molecolare (Ed. Edra)
Goodman& Gilman. Le basi farmacologiche della Terapia. Il Manuale. (Ed. Zanichelli)
Rossi, Cuomo, Riccardi. Farmacologia. Principi di base ed applicazioni terapeutiche (Ed. Minerva Medica)

Modulo: 24441 - MEDICINA INTERNA (mutua dall'attività formativa MEDICINA INTERNA - 24441 del CdS ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - 1024)
Carlo Rugarli, Medicina interna sistematica, Masson Ed.
CECIL (Andreoli, Bennet, Carpenter, Plum), Compendio di medicina interna, Verducci Editore
Manuale MERCK di diagnosi e terapia medica

Modulo: 28182 - ANESTESIOLOGIA
G. Manani, Anestesia in Odontostomatologia, Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli
American Heart Association - Manuale BLS - 2003 Centro Scientifico Editore - Torino

2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science