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Materiale didattico anno accademico 2012-2013

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Programma e bibliografia Letteratura Inglese II Laurea Magistrale anno accademico 2012-2013
Calendario lezioni Letteratura Inglese II Laurea Magistrale anno accademico 2012-2013.doc
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Alastair Fowler, Genre and the Literary Canon, 1979.pdf
Italo Calvino, Perché leggere i classici, 1981.pdf
Lillian S. Robinson, Treason Our Text. Feminist Challenges to the Literary Canon, 1983.pdf
Charles Altieri, An Idea and Ideal of a Literary Canon, 1983.pdf
Joe Weixlmann, Dealing with the Demands of an Expanding Literary Canon, 1988.pdf
Trevor Ross, The Emergence of Literature. Making and Reading the English Canon, 1996.pdf
Jonathan Brody Kramnick, The Making of the English Canon, 1997.pdf
Thomas More, Utopia, 1516, translated into English by Gilbert Burnet in 1684 (1965).pdf
Brendan Bradshaw, More on Utopia, 1981.pdf
T. S. Engeman, Hythloday's Utopia and More's England an Interpretation of Thomas More's Utopia, 1982.pdf
Vita Fortunati, Utopia as a Literary Genre, 2000.pdf
Vita Fortunati, Utopia by Thomas More, 2000.pdf
Aphra Behn, Works, 1915 ed., vol. I.pdf
Anita Pacheco, Rape and the Female Subject in Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1988.pdf
Elin Diamond, Gestus and Signature in Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1989.pdf
Susan Carlson, Cannibalizing and Carnivalizing. Reviving Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1995.pdf
Stephen Szilagyi, The Sexual Politics of Behn's Rover. After Patriarchy, 1998.pdf
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh, 1856.pdf
Dolores Rosenblum, Casa Guidi Windows and Aurora Leigh. The Genesis of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Visionary Aesthetic, 1985.pdf
Joyce Zonana, The Embodied Muse. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh and Feminist Poetics, 1989.pdf
Anne D. Wallace, 'Nor in Fading Silks Compose'. Sewing, Walking, and Poetic Labor in Aurora Leigh, 1997.pdf
Sarah Annes Brown, Paradise Lost and Aurora Leigh, 1997.pdf
Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1915.pdf
Thomas Moser, Towards The Good Soldier. Discovery of a Sexual Theme, 1963.pdf
Barry D. Bort, The Good Soldier. Comedy or Tragedy, 1967.pdf
H. Robert Huntley, The Good Soldier and Die Wahlverwandtschaften, 1967.pdf
Michael Levenson, Character in The Good Soldier, 1984.pdf
Bruce Bassoff, Oedipal Fantasy and Arrested Development in The Good Soldier, 1988.pdf
Farida Elizabeth A. Dahab, The Time-Shift in The Good Soldier, 1989.pdf
Risultati prova scritta Letteratura inglese II 19 dicembre 2012.doc