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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowing the theoretical frameworks of of the playful dimension for children 0-3 years;

knowing the methodologies and techniques of educational play in nurseries and childcare services;

reaching a reflection and critical skills on inclusive play planning;

knowing how to express and share in a group the principles theoretical and methodological aspects of play in early childhood and inclusive play for all children;

designing inclusive play scenarios for infants 0-3 years old.


Basic knowledge in psychopedagogical and didactic fields.

Course programme

The course is aimed at achieving theoretical and methodological skills on educational activities of a playful nature for early childhood, with reference to the principles of international organisations on the right to play for children and children with disabilities. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the current pedagogical debate on the play will be presented. The following topics will be addressed:
- The educational-didactic activity of the nursery as a playful activity
- The development of the child in early childhood and the types of play from 0 to 3 years
- The rights and play needs of children, as well as of children with disabilities
- Facilitators and barriers for inclusive play

Didactic methods

Frontal teaching for the theoretical aspects; laboratory teaching with readings, discussions, simulations of professional situations, case studies and exercises on educational and didactic planning.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam will be in written form with multiple choice questions and open questions. The multiple choice questions will be aimed at verifying knowledge relating to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the discipline. The open questions will be aimed at verifying the reflection towards the acquisition of skills and abilities within the discipline. The property of the specific lexicon of the discipline, the argumentative competence and the illustrative efficacy will be evaluation criteria.

Reference texts

Trisciuzzi L., Zappaterra T., La psicomotricità tra biologia e didattica. Lo sviluppo motorio, mentale, percettivo, emotivo, sensoriale e del linguaggio nell’infanzia, ETS, Pisa, 2007.

Besio S., Zappaterra T. (Eds.), Children’s play. Multifaceted aspects, ETS, Pisa, 2018.

Allodi Westling M., Zappaterra T. (Eds.), Users’ needs report on play for children with disabilities. Parents’ and children’s views, De Gruyter Open, Warsaw/Berlin, 2019 (Only Section 1).
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