Nazionali PNG.png Nazionali EpiGenASD - A multiOMICS approach for targeting the molecolar signature of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diabetes-associated systemic inflammation and Alzheimer disease progression from preclinical to clinical stage: from complex models to single cell level Novel molecular mechanisms in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction GREENPATCH - Green and bioactive 3D printed microalgae gel patches for guided skin and bone regeneration in diabetic foot ulcers NSO_MAP - Shedding new lights on the emerging New Synthetic Opioids of "Nitazene" class: a Multidisciplinary Pharmaco-toxicological and Analytical approach towards forensic investigation Prediction of Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) failure based on circulating biomarkers, Electrical Impedance Tomography and advanced respiratory mechanics: a multi-source pathophysiological study on acute respiratory failure using artificial intelligence PHENO-DIACAD STUDY - PHENOtyping type 2 DIAbetic patients with Coronary Artery Disease according to microvascular complications: a multi modality-imaging and laboratory STUDY Deciphering the cholangiocarcinoma-microenvironment interactions to identify clinical biomarkers of treatment response Enhancement of therapeutic response to standard-of-care drugs employed against hepatocellular carcinoma by hitting metabolic dependencies DISCOVER - Development and valIdation of an Integrated riSk prediction model for COrneal graft surviVal following Endothelial keRatoplasty: an artificial intelligence based approach 3DPRIN - 3DPRINting of multi-material parts for cranial implants Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using blood platelets as a circulating mirror of neurons INTRA-KER - Pilot Study Testing an Hybrid Intra-Corneal Prosthesis with Dehydrated Corneal Tissue Scaffold for the Treatment of Corneal Blindness
Nazionali PNG.png Nazionali EpiGenASD - A multiOMICS approach for targeting the molecolar signature of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diabetes-associated systemic inflammation and Alzheimer disease progression from preclinical to clinical stage: from complex models to single cell level Novel molecular mechanisms in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction GREENPATCH - Green and bioactive 3D printed microalgae gel patches for guided skin and bone regeneration in diabetic foot ulcers NSO_MAP - Shedding new lights on the emerging New Synthetic Opioids of "Nitazene" class: a Multidisciplinary Pharmaco-toxicological and Analytical approach towards forensic investigation Prediction of Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) failure based on circulating biomarkers, Electrical Impedance Tomography and advanced respiratory mechanics: a multi-source pathophysiological study on acute respiratory failure using artificial intelligence PHENO-DIACAD STUDY - PHENOtyping type 2 DIAbetic patients with Coronary Artery Disease according to microvascular complications: a multi modality-imaging and laboratory STUDY Deciphering the cholangiocarcinoma-microenvironment interactions to identify clinical biomarkers of treatment response Enhancement of therapeutic response to standard-of-care drugs employed against hepatocellular carcinoma by hitting metabolic dependencies DISCOVER - Development and valIdation of an Integrated riSk prediction model for COrneal graft surviVal following Endothelial keRatoplasty: an artificial intelligence based approach 3DPRIN - 3DPRINting of multi-material parts for cranial implants Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using blood platelets as a circulating mirror of neurons INTRA-KER - Pilot Study Testing an Hybrid Intra-Corneal Prosthesis with Dehydrated Corneal Tissue Scaffold for the Treatment of Corneal Blindness
Diabetes-associated systemic inflammation and Alzheimer disease progression from preclinical to clinical stage: from complex models to single cell level
GREENPATCH - Green and bioactive 3D printed microalgae gel patches for guided skin and bone regeneration in diabetic foot ulcers
NSO_MAP - Shedding new lights on the emerging New Synthetic Opioids of "Nitazene" class: a Multidisciplinary Pharmaco-toxicological and Analytical approach towards forensic investigation
Prediction of Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) failure based on circulating biomarkers, Electrical Impedance Tomography and advanced respiratory mechanics: a multi-source pathophysiological study on acute respiratory failure using artificial intelligence
PHENO-DIACAD STUDY - PHENOtyping type 2 DIAbetic patients with Coronary Artery Disease according to microvascular complications: a multi modality-imaging and laboratory STUDY
Deciphering the cholangiocarcinoma-microenvironment interactions to identify clinical biomarkers of treatment response
Enhancement of therapeutic response to standard-of-care drugs employed against hepatocellular carcinoma by hitting metabolic dependencies
DISCOVER - Development and valIdation of an Integrated riSk prediction model for COrneal graft surviVal following Endothelial keRatoplasty: an artificial intelligence based approach
INTRA-KER - Pilot Study Testing an Hybrid Intra-Corneal Prosthesis with Dehydrated Corneal Tissue Scaffold for the Treatment of Corneal Blindness