SUSTRACK - Supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems
The transition from linear fossil-based systems to circular and bio-based systems represents an opportunity and a suitable pathway for achieving several SDGs. Indeed, circular bio-based systems depict a great opportunity to reconcile sustainable long-term growth with environmental protection through the prudent use of renewable resources for industrial purposes. This needed transition is a complex process, which does not simply require innovative technologies from the supply-side, but also societal transformations based on a multi-actor process. The circular bioeconomy meta-sector may be a good candidate to put forward a new economic model, which requires transformative policies, purposeful innovation, access to finance, risk-taking capacity as well as new and sustainable business models and markets. However, a critical assessment of the environmental, social and economic impacts of the current linear fossil-based economy, as well as of the improvement potential associated with circular bio-based systems, is needed to underpin the identification of policy priorities. Bearing this in mind, SUSTRACK is a three-year project aimed at supporting policymakers in their efforts to develop sustainable pathways to replace fossil and carbon-intensive systems with sustainable circular and bio-based systems (at the EU and regional scale), contributing to achieving the European Green Deal’s objectives. This will be done by: identifying environmental, economic and social limits of a linear carbon-intensive and fossil-based economy; improving existing assessment methodologies; assessing the environmental, social and economic impacts of the EU’s current linear fossil-based economy; comparing multiple transition scenarios focusing on the most carbon-intensive sectors; identifying priorities according to scenarios analysed in the project and develop guidelines and policy recommendations.
Notizie (in italiano)
Project details
Scientific responsability: Massimiliano Mazzanti
Funding source: HORIZON EUROPE
Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-03
Start date 01/11/2022 - end date 31/10/2025
Total cost: 1.993.375,00 €
EU contribution: 1.993.375,75 €
EU contribution to UniFe: 105.125 €
- Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza, Italy - Coordinator
- Stichting Wageningen Research, Netherlands
- Knowledge SRL (KE), Italy
- Pedal Consulting SRO (PC), Slovakia
- DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum Gemeinnutzige GMBH, Germany
- Universiteit Gent, Belgium
- Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA), Spain
- FVA SAS di Louis Ferrini & c (FVA), Italy
- Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Unife), Italy
- Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -Pruefung (BAM), Germany
- Fundacion Circe Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos (CIRCE), Spain