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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course will provide the student with a deepening on the digital representation techniques for three-dimensional solid modeling and as well as a comprehensive overview of the evolution of dedicated digital tools. In particular, the students will be provided with the following knowledge:
- three-dimensional modeling techniques for freeform surfaces on the basis of Non-uniform B-splines in creating B-reps (boundary representations);
- parametric feature-based modeling techniques and theories on the organization of data for the generation of three-dimensional geometries;
- video rendering techniques in three-dimensional space, animation and digital video editing NLE.

The course is part of a training aimed at providing a significant ability to apply the developed knowledge in the professional practice, such as:
- critically evaluate the use of the different three-dimensional modeling techniques as the basis of the design product representation in relation with the project requirements;
- critically use methods, processes, and tools of representation, from the object scale to the architectural one, accordingly with the criteria of the design theory;
- identify the representative choices of the morphological components, materials, and colors accordingly with the final deliverable requirement, including the creation of animated digital videos.


The knowledge and skills that are considered to already acquired in order to be able to transpose what is shown during the teaching are:
- Knowledge and ability to apply traditional techniques of representation and two-dimensional digital design techniques;
- Knowledge and ability to apply the reference standards (ISO-UNI) for mechanical design and architectural design;
- Knowledge of the principles of three-dimensional solid modeling

Course programme

Part 1: The first part of the course consolidates the solid modeling concepts and introduces the NURBS modeling technique. This technique will be presented through lectures and a hands-on approach.

Part 2: The second part of the course is a learning path that sees the introduction of the principles of parametric modeling techniques for creating basic controls on the generation of geometry-based algorithms. Durin thematic lessons, structured data as well as conditional rules will be addressed.

Part 3: The third part of the course aims to provide the necessary tools for creating animated digital video products. These techniques will be presented through lectures and a hands-on approach, aimed at the creation of multimedia products according to agreed requirements.

Part 4: The fourth part of the course is set up as the application of the developed knowledge to case studies, by the students divided into groups. Through the declination of case studies, a complete methodological representative process will be simulated, from the scale of the object to the architectural scale.

Didactic methods

The teaching activities will be organized on lectures dedicated to the theories and methods of representation, to be later followed by hands-on workshops, finalized to the application of developed skills.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, teaching methods could vary and make use of distance learning and online tools.

Learning assessment procedures

In order to assess the learning outcome the examination will consist of two parts:
- Assessment of the workshop and homework results, addressing the criteria of a correct representation;
- Final interview for the assessment of the methodological awareness.
For a continuous assessment of the learning outcome graphic and practical tests will also be submitted over the course development.

Reference texts

The books, and the relevant parts of these in teaching, chosen from among those listed, will be announced in class by teaching lecturer. In addition, the teacher will provide the students with a summary of the topics addressed in the class.

• AZIZ A., Investigating the modeling capabilities for freeform geometries: Geometries Freeform Modeling Capabilities For, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012, ISBN 978-3-8465-1803-8
• BRECKENRIDGE C., Practical 3D Modeling: Developing Quality Designs from Concept Through Production, O'Reilly Media, 2016, ISBN 978-1-4919-3766-2
• CALVANO M., Disegno Digitale Esplicito,Aracne editrice, 2019, ISBN: 9788825524840
• CARPO M., The alphabet and the algorithm, MIT Press, 2011, ISBN: 9780262515801
• FOLEY J. D., VAN DAM A., Feiner S.K., HUGHES J. D., Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley 1996 (2nd ed.), ISBN 978-0-2018-4840-3
• Gershenfeld N., The Nature of Mathematical Modeling, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-57095-6
• LEHMANN N., Modeling With Ambient B-Splines, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2014, ISBN 978-3-8325-3602-2
• MITCHELL W. J., M. McCullough, Digital Media Design, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 1996, ISBN 978-0-4712-8666-0
• Piegl L., TILLER W., The NURBS Book, Springer, Berlin, 1997 (2nd ed.), ISBN 3-540-61545-8.
• ROGERS D.F., An Introduction to NURBS with Historical Perspective, Elsevier, 2000, ISBN 978-1-5586-0669-2
• GERMAN A., Parametric Architecture. With Grasshopper, The Penseur; 2010 (2nd ed.), ISBN 978-8-8953-1508-9