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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

The goal of the course is to teach students to design and develop web applications with Ruby and Rails technologies.

Main knowledge that will be acquired:

how to structure a project
architecture definition
software components and technologies selections
application debug
Main abilities to be acquired:

project requirements analysis
models and architectures better suited to the application scenario
software platform install and configuration
Ruby and Rails skilled programming


we advise the students to enroll to this course after Concurrent Programming (prof. Stefanelli) and Web Systems Design.

Course programme

The course will consists of 2 lessons and the rest of the work will be done in project work.

The first lesson (2 hours) will describe the target applications from which the student groups can select the one to realize.

The second lesson (2 hours) will help student groups to solve the main problems encountered in the design phase.

Didactic methods

There will be 2 lessons to present some web applications, from which the students will have to choose the one to develop.

Students will preferably be grouped in groups of 3-4 people, each person in charge of developing a separate application component.

Learning assessment procedures

The students will have to present the project, that is the design and real implementation of a web application. Each student of a group will be tested to verify his comprehension of the developed application architecture and of the main software components. Each student will also have to detail his personal contribution in the project.

Passing the final exam is the proof that knowledge and abilities outlined in the training objectives of the course have been achieved.

Reference texts

D. Thomas, "Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0" (4th edition), Pragmatic
Bookshelf, 2013.
S. Ruby, D. Thomas, D. H. Hansson, "Agile Web Development with Rails
4", Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013.