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Roman Foundations of European Law

Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Tha main purpose of the course of Roman Foundations of European Law is providing a general overview of principal institutes of roman private law, historical roots of modern european law.
The main knowledges acquired will be: knowledge of personae, real rights obligations and trial. The knowledge acquired will give a cultural enrichment and allow a more conscious approach to the study of modern private law.
The main skills will be: systematic understanding of roman private law; understanding of the historical roots of modern european private law; acquisition of technical legal language.


Good knowledge of italian language; attitude to reasoning.

Course programme

The course includes 40 hours of teaching. It will be divided into two parts: a general part (25 hours) and a special one (15 hours).
Contents of the general part:
- Sources of law; personae; trial; rights in rem and possessio; Obligations.

The special part will be dedicated to fiducia and trust; transfer of ownership; history of rescission of sale .

Didactic methods

Lectures on all the subjects covered by the programme. Also active partecipation of students will be furthered: they will be required to take part into discussion about main legal institutes and in the solution of small case studies.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam. Students are expected to answer some questions (three) on various topics subject of the course. Students must demonstrate their understanding of the main institutes of Roman Law also in the historical development. The final mark will be established through the average of the marks of every single answer given by the student to the questions.

Reference texts

P. Lambrini, Fondamenti del diritto europeo. Manuale istituzionale, Giappichelli, 2021, pp. 1-205; pp. 217-233; pp. 255-268.