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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Main knowledge achieve: basic knowledge of legislation on employment with special regard to the interaction between rules on individual labour and industrial relations. Knowledge of fundamentals of the employment contract, main features of industrial relations and social security.
Achieved skills: Use of legislation and collective agreements in order to make resolution of disputed cases; ability to find and to understand acts and case-law.


Good knowledge of Italian language and competence in logical skills; basic knowledge of contemporary history and fundamentals of Private and Constitutional Law. It is necessary to pass the exames of fundamentals of Private law and constitutional law.

Course programme

Course is developped in 60 hours. 25 for trade unions and collective bargaing; 35 for labour relationship; It is required active partecipation: introduction to the use of principal on line databases.
Introduction and history; a critical outline of the relationship between Labour Law and labour market; individual and collective autonomy; the collective agreement and its individual and general efficacy; collective bargaining: framework and levels; the conflict: strike in general and in the essential public services; constitutional rules about employment; subordination; supply contract; working hours, part-time; wage; work organization: tasks, duties of the employee, disciplinary power; contract suspension. Equal treatment of employees and non-discrimination rules. Workplace hygiene and safety. Enterprise transformation and crisis: consequences for employees. Labour market regulation. Protection of rights: waivers and transactions, anti-union repression of conduct.

Didactic methods

For lectures multimedia instruments are used. The lessons are targetted to the explanation of fundamentals, which are then applied to case-law. There also are seminars during which case-law are discussed in depth

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exams. The exam is devoted to test the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives, specifically on the subjects of: trade union and collective agreements, labour relationship, atypical working patterns. The exam is regarded as passed when the sufficiency is reached on all 3 the main areas of training.
The exams are held in streaming mode on the meet platform, at
If the platform is not available, the platform normally used for teaching will be used: blackboard (address:

Reference texts

The students can choose among the following handsbooks:

DEL PUNTA, Diritto del lavoro, Milano: Giuffrè; or

MAZZOTTA, Manuale di diritto del lavoro, Padova: CEDAM