International Human Rights - 6 crediti
The institutional part of the course will address the general framework of human rights protection in international law: (I) the origins
of international human rights protection; (II) the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; human
rights treaties: specifically, the 1966 UN Covenants and the European Convention on Human Rights; rules of customary international
law; (III) monitoring compliance with international human rights obligations: UN Charter-based and treaty-based bodies; the role of
international tribunals: specifically, the European Court of Human Rights; (IV) the effects of human rights treaties in the Italian legal
order. The second part of the course will focus on the relationship between the fight against organised crime and the protection of fundamental human rights. The latter topic will also be addressed in the context of inter-disciplinary seminars organised by Ma.Cr.O. –
Inter-Disciplinary Centre on Mafia and other forms of Organised Crime