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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms that underly the correct functioning of organisms by analysing the interrelationships between the different organs and systems to ensure homeostasis, essential for the wellness.


Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry and Anatomy.
To take the final examination (learning assessment procedures), students must have passed the exams of 'Human anatomy' and 'Plant biology + Animal biology'.

Course programme

Course programme
Cellular physiology: cell membrane, movement of molecules across cell membranes. Intercellular communications: transduction mechanisms of hormones and neurotransmitters. Ion channels and membrane potential. Internal environment and homeostatic control. Blood: composition and general functions. Renal physiology; glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and secretion. Renal regulation of extracellular osmolarity and volume, blood volume and pressure and acid-base balance. Nervous system; electrical signals of excitable cells; synapses; synaptic plasticity and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory. The central nervous system; sensorial, motor and associative functions; the autonomic nervous system. Mechanism of muscle contraction: structural and functional properties of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. Cardiovascular system; mechanical events of the cardiac cycle; pace maker activity of heart; control of cardiac activity. Circulation; hemodynamics; arterial blood pressure and its regulation; exchanges across capillary walls; lymphatic system. Endocrine system; hormones and their physiological actions; hypotalamus-hypophysis axis; neuro-hypophysis; thyroid hormones; parathormone; endocrine pancreas; adrenal glands; gonadic hormones. Respiratory function; control of respiration; exchange of gases and their transport in the blood. Gastrointestinal system; motility of gastrointestinal walls; secretory function and its regulation; digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids; absorption of digestion products, water, salts and vitamines.

Didactic methods

Theoretical lessons.

Learning assessment procedures

The objective of the exam is to check the level of achievement of the above-mentioned training objectives. To pass the exam the student must acquire a total score of 18/30. The exam will be oral in which the student will have to demonstrate that he has gained a general level of preparation and the ability to link and compare the functionality of the various organ systems treated during the course with particular regard to the electrophysiological part of the excitable systems.

Reference texts

D.U. Silverthorn - FISIOLOGIA - Pearson 2016
E Carbone - Fisiologia dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati - Casa Editrice EdiSES
Stanfield C.L. - Fisiologia - Casa Editrice EdiSES
Vander - Fisiologia - Casa Editrice Abrosiana, Milano,2015