The COLOURS Alliance

cofunded by the EU


Logo COLOURS descrizione


The University of Ferrara is among the nine European universities which have created the COLOURS (Collaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities) alliance.

The alliance will strengthen the excellence of European universities, increase their international visibility and boost mobility in Europe.

The alliance will receive funding of € 14.5 million from the European Commission, through the European University Initiative of the Erasmus+ programme. The COLOURS alliance is thus one of the 50 "European Universities" in Europe.

Goals and missions

The main objectives of alliances are:

● Strengthen partners’ collaboration in teaching and research
● Contribute to the development of the territories and communities where the universities are embedded
● Promote European values, such as inclusion, diversity and democracy.

The COLOURS partners are committed to face the new global challenges, linked to the green, digital and social transition, through a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach. This challenge-based approach transforms teaching, research, knowledge and innovation, by focusing on the cooperation between territories and regional stakeholders. The alliance will develop a programme of blended and physical mobility, and joint research and training.

The COLOURS alliance will allow students to graduate by integrating studies in different European countries.

Further information on the missions of the alliance.

The alliance partners

COLOURS comprises about of 126,000 students and 12,300 staff from:


The main contacts of the COLOURS alliance for the University of Ferrara:

Prof. Sandrine Labory
0532 504531

Project Manager: Theonil De Lourdes Lugo Arrendell
0532 293165

For more information:

Student Entrepreneurship Centre (SEC) (CoSpace Officer) 
Laboratorio Aperto Ferrara - Ex-Teatro Verdi
Via Castelnuovo 10
44121 Ferrara
(1st Floor)