CONFISCEU - Improving Cooperation between EU Member States in Confiscation Procedures


- Assessment of the legal provisions transposing Directive 2014/42/EU into national law as regard the third party confiscation and their compliance with fundamental rights.

- Identification of best practices and legal solutions as regard the investigative measures targeting third parties and the concrete strategies adopted by national judicial and enforcement authorities.

- Improvement of the cooperation and implementation of the existing EU instruments (such as the Directive 2014/41/EU and the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union of 29 May 2000).

- Elaboration of guidelines aiming to improve the international cooperation on management of frozen assets.



- 3 training activities;

- 4 seminars of mutual learning and exchange of good practices;

- 1 international final conference;

- 7 press conferences.

Type and number of persons benefiting from the project

- Judges (120-140 persons);

- Prosecutors (120-140 persons);

- Law enforcement authorities (80-100 persons);

- Lawyers (150-170 persons);

- National authorities (40-50 persons)

;- Academia (40-50 persons);

- Students (150-200 persons).

Expected results

- Improved knowledge and increased awareness of the practitioners involved in third party confiscation proceedings and in frozen assets management.

- Simpler and quicker procedures in judicial cooperation on confiscation decisions.

- More effective transnational investigations for assets recovery

.- International network of academics and practitioners experts in confiscation for ongoing cooperation.

Type and number of outputs to be produced

- Final Handbook (200 copies);

- Final E-book (300 copies);

- Booklet/leaflet (800 copies);

- Newsletter (300 users);

- Website/blog (400 users);

- Social network profile (500 users).

Project details

 Project coordinator: Alessandro Bernardi

 Funding source: JUST Criminal justice

Start date 1/06/2017 - end date 31/05/2019

Total cost: 393.225 

EU contribution: 314.540 €

EU contribution to UniFe: 112.121 €


  • Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Coordinator (Italy)
  • Universiteit Utrecht (Netherland)
  • Universite Saint-Louis-Bruxelles ASBL (Belgium)
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn (Germany)
  • Universitatea Babes Bolyai (Romania)