ETC/WMGE 2019-2021- Waste and Materials in a Green Economy
The European Topic Centre on waste and materials in a green economy (ETC/WMGE) is a consortium of European organisations working in partnership with the European Environment Agency.
The ETC/WMGE informs decision-makers and the public by presenting reliable and comparable data and information on waste management and prevention, green economy, material resource efficiency and the transition to a circular economy in Europe.
The European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy (ETC/WMGE) is a consortium of European institutions, contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to supply thematic expertise and carry out specific tasks identified in the EEA Multi-Annual Work Programme and specified in the EEA Annual Work Programmes. The thematic areas in which the ETC/WMGE will support the EEA are:
- Waste management
- Waste prevention
- Resource efficiency and materials
- Sectoral integration and green economy
- Production & consumption systems
- Chemicals and waste
The ETC/WMGE is coordinated by VITO
Notizie (in italiano)
- VITO - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologish Onderzoek, (Belgium)
- CENIA - Czech Environmental Information Agency, (Czech Republic)
- IRCrES - Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile, (Italy)
- CSCP - Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, (Germany)
- OVAM - Openbare Vlaamse Afvalsoffenmaatschappij, (Belgium)
- SEEDS - Sustainability, Environmental Economics and Dynamic Studies, (Italy)
- VTT - Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus, (Finland)
- WI - Wuppertal Institut, (Germany)
- SEA - Slovak Environment Agency, (Slovakia)
- BCI - Banson Communications Ireland Ltd., (Ireland)