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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to show the student an overview of issues related to the sustainability of processes and productions, with particular relevance to the contribution that biological processes can make to climate change mitigation and ecosystem improvement.


Prerequisites are not requested. During the course all the contents are provided in order to easily understand the proposed topics

Course programme

What does sustainability mean?. Sustainability of processes and productions. The paradigm shift from a growth-based economy to a sustainable economy: the topic of sustainable development. Sustainability and international organizations, intergovernmental relations. Anthropocene and climate change.
How to measure sustainability, environmental indicators and life cycle analysis. Life cycle thinking approach
Biological processes in a context of circular economy. The shift between linear and circular economy to improve sustainability. End-of-life product management: reuse, recycling and recovery
The system of supply chain consortia and the biological valorisation of waste. Renewable energies and bioenergy: biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen. Fourth-generation fuels
Sustainability and biorefineries. Bioplastics, biodegradable plastics and new biomaterials.

Didactic methods

The course includes 48 hours of lectures.
During the course, depending on the number of students, there will be group activities, seminars, discussion groups and role plays, aimed at a greater understanding of the topics covered.

Learning assessment procedures

The learning assessment method can include in-progress tests such as in-depth study and discussion on the reading of texts recommended by the Professor, analysis of case studies to be discussed in class, which will contribute to the final grade.
The final exam consists in the discussion of a report on a topic of particular interest by the student among those treated, or in a group-discussion of particular issues of interest

Reference texts

The teaching materials of reference are the teacher's lecture notes.
Students will also be provided with in-depth materials in electronic or paper format.