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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental knowledge on the functions performed by the body systems and on the physiological mechanisms underlying them in order to offer a physiological reference framework with which to compare the functional alterations found in pathology.

Regarding the parameters of know.
At the end of the course, the student will know:
- the principles of cellular biophysics;
- the principles of the cardiovascular system;
- the principles of functioning of the respiratory system;
- the principles of functioning of the renal system;
- acquire the appropriate physiological terminology and the essential evaluation parameters of the systems present in the course program;
At the end of the course the student will know:
- integrate the knowledge of Physics, Biochemistry and Human Anatomy in a more general framework on the function of excitable cells and of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems;
- the student at the end of the course will have acquired the tools to be able to evaluate the pathology starting from the basic physiological processes.


Knowledge of the fundamental principles of physics, chemistry and biochemistry. Knowledge of human anatomy.

Course programme

The course will take place in 72 hours of frontal teaching on the following topics:
Properties of excitable membranes. The resting potential. The action potential. Synaptic transmission. Muscle contraction, with particular reference to skeletal muscle. Muscle mechanics. Blood and lymph. The cardiovascular system: the heart as a pump; the electrical activity of the heart; mechanics of circulation, determining factors and distribution of blood flow; determinants of blood pressure; control of the cardiovascular system; microcirculation. Breathing: lung mechanics; respiratory volumes and capacities; respiratory gas exchange and transport; chemical regulation of breath; nervous breath control. Kidney and body fluids: the glomerular filtration process; tubular transport mechanisms; renal circulation; regulatory functions of the kidney; physiology of body fluids.

Didactic methods

The course includes lectures and online assisted teaching. The hours of online assisted teaching on the certification Moodle platform consist in the in-depth study of some topics covered in class and indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course and in the execution of multiple choice tests dedicated to the various topics.

Learning assessment procedures

The purpose of the exam is to verify the level reached of the previously indicated training objectives. The exam will be written electronically and the details will be communicated to the student in good time before the exam.

Reference texts

Berne & Levy, Fisiologia, VI ed. a cura di B.M. Koeppen e B.A. Stanton - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, T.M. Jessell, S.A Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth, Principi di neuroscienze, IV ed. - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana