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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The main objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the main techniques of bioremediation in situ and ex situ used for environmental recovery. A second objective, always linked to the preservation of the environment, will be the knowledge of the methodologies that allow the production of biofuels such as bioethanol and biohydrogen and biodiesl.
The main knowledge gained will be:
• in situ bioremediation;
• ex situ bioremediation;
• fermentation processes for the production of bioethanol from various biomass;
• production of biodiesel from various oily matrices,
• technologies for the production of biohydrogen;
production of biogas from organic waste.
The main skills (ie the ability to apply their knowledge) will be:
• be able to set a fermentation to ethanol from sugars, starch and cellulose.
• use of chemical and enzymatic methods for the transesterficazione of a triglyceride;
•be able to set a fermentation starting from organic waste for the production of biogas;
• be able to understand what are the steps needed to clean up a polluted site


There are no prerequisites.
You must have acquired and assimilated the following knowledge provided by the courses "Organic Chemistry", "Biochemistry" and "Fermentation Chemistry”:
• basic concepts of organic chemistry;
• knowledge of cellular anabolism and catabolism;
• knowledge of the stoichiometry of cell growth;
• basic knowledge of the various fermentation processes;
• knowledge of enzymes and enzymatic catalysis concepts

Course programme

The course includes 48 hours of remote lessons.

Bioremediation (9 hours)
Bioremediation processes: needs and limitations. In situ and in solid phase bioremediation technologies. Bioremediation in soil: influence of soil properties on the organic contaminants and bacteria. Ex situ bioremediation and bioreactors. Bioremediation of metals and other inorganic pollutants. Bioremediation of oil contamination, PCBs and polycyclic aromatic. Recalcitrant molecules.Phytodepuration. Illustration and analysis of bioremediation case studies.
Bioethanol (12 hours)
Bioethanol: market processes. The fermentation. Bioethanol from starch and sugar with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zimomonas mobilis: processes. Dry and wet grinding plants. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials: pre-treatment techniques, enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials: integrated processes. Bioethanol from syngas platform. Bioethanol from micro and macroalgae.
Biodiesel (10 hours)
Biodiesel: features and properties. Reactions involved in biodiesel production: chemical and enzymatic approach. The raw materials. Transesterification of vegetable oils. Biodiesel with enzymes from acids oils, waste oils and from refining oils of vegetable oils. Transesterifcazione applications. Biodiesel with tin-based catalysts. Alcoholysis without catalysts. Glycerol: use as a raw material in the synthesis of poly(hydroxyalcanoates), sophorolipids and as an intermediate for chemical products. Biodiesel from microalgae. Production of microalgae. Illustration and analysis of laboratory experiences.
Biogas (11 hours)
Anaerobic digestion of waste; Anaerobic digestion techniques; Integration between anaerobic digestion and composting, Biodegradability and BMP, liquid treatment, Upgrading and digestate, NIR analysis and applications.
Biohydrogen (6 hours)
Biohydrogen: Photobiological production. Biohydrogen fermentation.

Didactic methods

Presentation of the subjects using Powerpoint slides and multimedia resources.

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the examination is to test the level of achievement of the previously mentioned educational goals.
The exam consists of a written test or an oral test.

If the exam is written, it consists of 31 multiple choice questions (each correct answer + 1 point, each wrong answer or not given 0 points) in which it will not be assessed as the ability to "repeat" some topic covered in class, as the ability to link and compare different aspects covered during the course. The questions cover theoretical arguments and could include some simple exercise where applying what students have learned during the course.
If the exam is an oral test the candidate must answer to 3-5 questions about the whole program.

The exam will be assessed up to 30 points cum laude.

If the total score is less than 18 will need to repeat the examination.

Rounds (5 for each calendar year) will be communicated to the students in time to register and respect the general organization of the course.

Reference texts

Teachers’s handout.
Specific topics can be explored on the following texts:

R. L. Crawford, D.L. Crawford, Ed. “ Bioremediation- Priciples and applications” Cambridge University Press 1996

M. Alexander “Biodegradation and Bioremediation” Academic Press 1999

C. Drapcho, N. Phu Nhuan, T. H. Walker “Biofuels Engineering Process Technology” McGraw Hill 2008

A. Nag “Biofuels Refining And Performance” McGraw Hill 2008