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Strumenti personali


Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Acquisition of the four language skills (comprehension and written and oral production) on a (false) beginners’ level.
Final objective - Level A2/B1 of the European Framework.



Course programme

The grammar: weak and strong verb conjugation, imperatives, separable and inseparable verbs, modal verbs, personal pronouns, articles, possessive articles, negation, main clause structure, prepositions (place and time), verbs with accusative or dative complement, genitive, present perfect, imperfect and simple past, adjective declension, comparatives and superlatives (predicative/adverbial and attributive), noun declension (weak declension), subordinate clause structure, relative clauses, indirect questions, infinitive, passive (present, past, present perfect, modal verbs), reflexive verbs, verbs with prepositions, future 1 etc.
The course is taught by a mother-tongue language trainer.

Didactic methods

Interactive and frontal lessons, practical exercises (individual work and in groups, taught by a mother-tongue trainer)

Learning assessment procedures

Written and oral
Those who cannot attend class will receive a special program in order to be able to work at home. For further information, please contact the professor/tutor.
There will be a partial exam during the lesson at the end of each semester.

Reference texts

Aufderstraße, H. et al.: ThemenAktuell 1 (libro di testo e libro degli esercizi) - (Editore: Max Hueber) - 1° semestre
• Aufderstraße, H. et al.: ThemenAktuell 2 (libro di testo e libro degli esercizi) - (Editore: Max Hueber) - 2° semestre
• Weerning, M. / Mondello, M.: Dies und Das – Grammatica di tedesco con esercizi - (Editore: Cideb)
Gabriel, G.: Üben wir Deutsch. Ferrara: Volta la carta: 2017